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Word Count- 1032

I know this is short but I am updating with my phone. I don't have my laptop with  me.

I wanted to update so here it is. I am sorry if it isn't good.


"How long had this been going on?" Mr. Bang asked his son who was staring at him from the couch he was sitting on with his husband.
"It has been a while." Chan said squeezing hyunjin's hand to comfort him as the younger was trying to hide himself as much as he could in his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay. I am here." Chan whispered in his ears. He was scared himself, but he knew that he needed to stay strong for the younger.
"I-I c-can't." Hyunjin mumbled softly as his lips began to quiver.
"Yes, you can. We can." He replied back.

After their session in that hotel,  Hyunjin and Chan had finally found the courage to face everyone and tell them the truth.
Hence, the very next day they drove to Hyunjin's mansion to talk to their parents about the situation.

To say that everyone was shocked after hearing what happened would be an understatement, everyone ha their jaws dropped. No one ever knew what was going on with that pretty boy because he always kept a smile on his face and happiness spread like butter on a bread all over his body.

He smelled happiness and glamour. He walked beautiful and amazing.
He breathed sophistication and rich. No one would ever even doubt that he was suffering from something like that.

"Why didn't you tell us, sweetie? We could have found a way to deal with Minhyuk and the pictures." Mrs. Bang said from her place on a different sofa.
"He was too scared." Chan said without even looking at anyone. He was just staring at his husband who was trying to hide in his shoulders.  Hyunjin felt bad and embarrassed. He felt like disgusted even thinking about those sick moments.

"You both should go in Hyunjin's room. We all need to talk." Hyunjin's mother said looking down at the ground.
"I have taken care of the pictures. We just need to report Minhyuk." Chan said, straighting up a little.
"Just take him to his room. He doesn't look good." Mr. Bang said getting up from his seat.

"No. I will take him back to the hotel. And then, I will comeback here. If there's anything going on about my husband. I will take the whole responsibility." Chan said looking everyone in their eyes.

"Chan, we don't want you to worry." Mrs. Bang said, pleading for his son to go.
"Worry? What worry? Hyunjin is my husband. I don't care about my worries anymore. He is my priority now." Chan replied smoothly.

"Son, We don't-"
"Let him. Hyunjin is his husband now. It's only fair for him to get everything right." Mr. Bang interrupted his wife.
"I will be back." Chan said standing up with Hyunjin who was shaking a bit but was still a little calm because of him.

Chan did not care about the dates or the rude way he said his last sentence. He just wanted to get his husband out of the situation. He hates to see Hyunjin scared and shaking with fear.
"It's okay." He whispered and supported Hyunjin with his arms to help him walk easier.


"I will be back, okay?" Chan said as he tucked Hyunjin in the blanket before kissing his forehead softly.
"Okay." The younger replied smiling at his husband. He was just so caring, gentle and sweet. He always thought that he didn't deserve someone so good like Chan.

"Goodbye." Chan whispered and kissed Hyunjin's cheek as he got up to leave.
"Bye." The other said closing his eyes,  trying to sleep. The older just smiled at him before walking out of the room,  not forgetting to close the door behind him.

Hyunjin smiled to himself giddily thinking about how Chan's lips felt on his skin just a few seconds ago.
He was nervous to talk and think about how much the older has started to affect him in every way.

The older was very caring and nice. He would wake Hyunjin up and prepare him a bath. There hasn't been a time where he had to worry about their food,  because Chan would always have prepared everything for them. He would always make sure that he was eating and sleeping properly and also that he was always comfortable.

Chan had always comforted him whenever he was crying or screaming in his sleep. He would whisper sweet nothings in his ears till he felt calm and good. The other never forgets to make him smile and feel happy every second of the day.

Therefore, it isn't very impossible of Hyunjin to fall for the other boy. Chan deserves love, care and affection just like anyone else. He deserves the world.

Hyunjin chuckled a little when he heard knocking on the door. Despite being the responsible figure Chan is, he can't help but forget his phone and stuff behind. Hyunjin would always have to remind his husband to take his wallet and phone whenever he goes out.

Hyunjin honestly loved how Chan would come back looking down nervously like he did some crime and silently enter the room to pick up the stuff he forgot. He sometimes even intentionally made sure that the older forgets his stuff so that he could come back to him.

There was no doubt that the younger had started to fall for him but was scared to accept it and ruin their relationship.
"Coming." He said and shake his head as he got up to open the door.


"Hyung,  why are you so impatient-" Hyynjin was stopped by a cloth on his face, snatching away his speech and sight. He jerked as his hands were twisted behind his back and he felt rod hitting his knee which made him fall down.

He screamed through the cloth but it was no use. He squirmed wildly and thrased around trying to get out. However, the other people holding him were more powerful,  leading his effort to become zero.

Soon, after a few seconds he felt himself slipping out of consciousness. He tried to scream but nothing came out as his mind started to lose control of his body and he slumped down on the ground powerless.


-Votes and comments are aceepted

-Everybody should suffer.


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