6.4K 413 133

Word Count- 1484


"Minho, It's me Chan here." Chan said, pressing the phone harder against his ear once the other side picked up.
"Y-yes, Hyung?" Chan heard the other side. He frowned and thought about why the hell Minho stuttered.
"Are you okay?" Chan said and turned around to look at his husband who was sitting on the couch, staring at him with his beautiful brown orbs with a baby blur blanket surrounding his body.

"ye-ah-yes. Is i-it something impo-important?" Minho asked from the other stopping in between words.
"Minho, you don't sound okay. It is important that's why I have tried calling you like five times already. I even tried calling Jisung. why are you both not picking up?" Chan frowned more, making Hyunjin look at him a pout in confusion.

"N-no I-"
"Are you busy right now?" Chan asked. His jaw dropped when he heard Jisung's moans from the phone. It finally all made sense to him.
"Minho, why did you even pick up? Just come to our house when you both are done." Chan said in an annoyed tone before hanging up. He wasn't very interested in hearing his secretary moaning.

"Is something wrong?" Hyunjin asked from his place. Chan shake his head and rubbed his temples slightly, trying to forget what he just heard.
"Hyung." Hyunjin called him again, not understanding the situation.
"Don't worry, I just heard something I shouldn't have." Chan said before making his way to Hyunjin.

"Okay. Do you have a headache?" Hyunjin asked, looking more serious than ever.
"Yes, but it is not really hurting much. I'll be fine." Chan lied as he sat down next to the younger. The headache has been killing him since the detective left. He got an urgent call from his office today even though it was Sunday and he has been stressed ever since.

"Oh, I can help you with that." Hyunjin said and turned around to sit criss-cross on the couch. He had to keep one of his legs straight because it hurts him to bend that one. He carefully placed that leg horizontally on the sofa so that he wouldn't get hurt. While he was busy changing his position, the older just stared at him and helped him straighten his leg.

"Lay you head on my lap." Hyunjin said out of nowhere. Chan wasn't expecting this at all.
"What do you mean?" Chan asked, furrowing his brows.
"you said you have a headache. I will give you a massage. Now, lay your head on my lap and lie down comfortably." Hyunjin explained his actions and patted his lap which was his one leg that he was able to fold.

"Hyunjin, no. You should not waste your energy like that. I don't need a massage." Chan said and shook his head, declining the younger's offer even though the thought of getting a massage sounded the best solution for his headache. He just wanted to get rid of the stinging pain in his head.

"I am good at it. I swear you will feel better after it." Hyunjin tried to convince his husband who refused to even hear him.
"No, thanks for the offer but I'll be fine. Don't worry, I will just take a painkiller." Chan assured him and kissed his forehead softly but the younger wasn't backing off today.

Hyunjin latched his hands on the elder's shoulder and pulled him down with the little strength he had. Chan let out a yelp when his head was pushed on Hyunjin's thigh which, to be very honest, made Chan feel more comfortable than a pillow stuffed with feathers.

"Hyunjin, no." Chan said and tried to get up. The younger had enough on his plate to deal with. He didn't want him to give a massage when he himself was feeling tired all the time. However, Hyunjin already had him caged between in the sofa's backrest and his straightened-out leg.

"Just lie down, please." Hyunjin said.
"I am not gonna let you go until I give you a massage and that's final." The smaller boy added making Chan sigh at him.
"But you're tired as well, Hyunjin." Chan gave a reasonable argument to try to make Hyunjin give up but it didn't work.

"Hyung, I am fine. Just get comfortable." Hyunjin smiled a little when Chan sighed and shifted a little to get comfortable on the couch. The elder only moved down a little, and lied down straight on the sofa with his hands on his stomach, one over the another.

Hyunjin was quick enough to unwrap the blanket that surrounded him and using it to cover his husband.
"No, Hyunjin.-"
"Ssh." Hyunjin shushed him by keeping a finger on Chan's lips and looked around to make sure that every part of Chan's body was under the blanket. The other widened his eyes at the act. Hyunjin has never touched him like that. He strangely liked this feeling which made him quickly shut up.

"Close your eyes and just relax." Hyunjin said as he kept his fingers on Chan's head gently. The elder swallowed and closed his eyes. He almost moaned out when Hyunjin slowly guided his thumb down his temples, massaging the area gently. The younger repeated the action a few more times, slowly and gently, as if Chan was a baby.

The younger smiled when he saw a relaxed expression on Chan's face instant. He now knows that the older was enjoying it. He gradually moved his finger's towards Chan's forehead and pressed certain points to help Chan ease his mind. He gingerly pressed four of his fingers, two from each hand, at the centre of Chan's forehead and moved them in opposite direction, tenderly kneading the skin underneath.

Hyunjin continued to repeat his action a few more times before going for Chan's scalp. The younger felt butterflies in his stomach as soon as he touched the other's hair. They were just so smooth and fluffy that he just wanted to brush them with his fingers forever. He progressively put his five fingers across the elder's forehead before moving them up and down gently to massage the scalp.

Hyunjin felt relieved and satisfied when he saw the other finally relaxing his body. Hence, he just kept going on. Chan has done so much for him. The elder had been nothing but loving and caring towards him. Whenever, he would need something, Chan would always be there for him. No matter how hard the situation is, he could always count on his husband to help him. He just felt happy to have someone by his side like that. He now had someone who he could rely on without even thinking for once. He can just be himself.

"Do you like this?" Hyunjin mumbled softly as he resumed massaging Chan's head. He felt bad that the other was having a headache. He knew that it was hurting the elder but he wasn't telling him or else he'll worry. But, Hyunjin knew and he worried, so Chan was right. It was obvious from the way Chan would hold his head at times and rub his forehead to get a bit of relief.

Hyunjin was determined to help this time. Chan had done so much for him already; he could at least help him relax. Hyunjin frowned when he did not get any answer from the other side.
"Hyung?" He whispered, trying to match his voice with the silence prevailing in their home.

Hyunjin let out a grin when he noticed Chan turning around and nuzzling in his thigh unknowingly. The younger kept softly combing Chan's hair with his fingers, realizing that the elder was asleep. He felt content, knowing that the other felt comfortable and relaxed enough to sleep.

He let out a gasp when he felt Chan's arms wrapping around his injured leg which was lying beside him. His brows furrowed as he waited for the pain but it never came. He looked over and noticed that Chan was hugging his thigh only. There was no pressure on his knee. He felt a bit relieved, thinking that he wouldn't have to wake up the other now.

Hyunjin let out a chuckle at their weird position. Chan had his head on his left thigh whereas his right thigh was being hugged tightly by the elder in his sleep. However, Chan just looked so cozy and warm that he did not even think of waking up the older and asking him to sleep in their bedroom. He felt strangely comfortable in that position. He quietly adjusted the blanket around Chan once again, being paranoid that the blanket wasn't warm enough.

Hyunjin stared at the other's face, feeling his heart swell at the view. He had his husband asleep in his lap. There was nothing more he wanted more in that moment. He slowly leaned down and kissed Chan's temple softly.
"Thank you, Hyung."


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