8K 403 159

Word Count-  1798

Chapter contains a lot of Minsung. I just got my latop. I am gonna update daily now.


Two days later-

"What are we gonna do now?" Mrs. Hwang cried while holding her head in her hands.
"It's going to be okay. We will find him." Mrs. Bang whispered before gulping. She was herself not sure about anything. Hyunjin has been gone for two days now. There was no sign of him. No calls, no texts, he just disappeared. If there was one thing which everyone was sure about, It was the fact that he got kidnapped. It was all their on the hotel's camera recordings. Apparently, the guards were on a break when everything happened. Therefore, the kidnapper knew what he was doing and that it was all planned carefully.

"It's Minhyuk!" Chan gritted out through his clenched teeth.
"Why don't you all get it? It's Minhyuk!" He continued clenching his fists tightly. There was one thing he had to do which was to protect Hyunjin and he wasn't even able to do that properly.

Chan had been awfully quiet the two days. It was like he was dead. He had not uttered a word until now. He just didn't know what to say. The boy was very disappointed with himself. He felt like he let everyone down. But most importantly, he was dying for Hyunjin. He was missing the younger like hell. He missed his eyes, his head, his nose, his lips, his perfect face, his body. He missed his Hyunjin. The elder has been going crazy for him.

He felt angry at himself for leaving him alone at that stupid hotel. He remembered returning to the empty room. How he called out for Hyunjin and how he ran around like a crazy person, searching for him. He remembers how much he yelled at the hotel staff for being irresponsible.

The police had wanted to show them the tape they had received from the hotel recordings, but Chan had denied to even look at the discs. He did not have the strength to watch it. The boy did not even want to imagine what had happened to Hyunjin after he got kidnapped. He started to feel weak and powerless in the situation. He wanted to do something but couldn't. He hated himself.

"The police said they don't have enough evidence to arrest him. There is nothing we can do." Mr. Bang said, keeping a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"But it's him. I know." Chan said standing up from his place.
"We know that, son. We'll find another way." His father replied following his steps. Chan growled a little and pulled his hair, feeling annoyed at everyone and everything.

"I'll be at the office. I need space." Chan said walking straight out of the room, not even glancing at anyone back.


"Is there any update?" Han Jisung, Chan's secretary since two years said with worried eyes at the older who was sitting at his chair with his laptop in front of him.
"No." He replied dryly.
"Chan Hyung. It's gonna be fine, okay?" Jisung mumbled walking towards the older.

Even though Jisung was his secretary and they liked to keep everything very professional. He had grown to like the younger. The squirrel boy very friendly and social to not befriended. Chan would occasionally go out with him and Minho out for drinks. Whenever he was having a problem he could count on the younger to help him with it.

"No. It is not going to be fine. It has been two days. Two fucking days and we don't have any news about it. I mean the kidnappers haven't even called for ransom. What do they want?" Chan punched the table in anger not being able to contain himself anymore.

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