Chapter 14: Fairy Tail Wages War

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After a short 'good night' to each other, the team went to their respective rooms. Ramza took the one room at the second floor: the master bedroom. He plopped into his bed and drew his blanket over himself, but he just couldn't shake off that bad feeling he had earlier. Nonetheless, he fell asleep, preparing for the next day.


When dawn broke, Ramza rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he woke up. Curling out of his pillows, he did his morning routines of cleaning his bed, brushing his teeth, and changing into a decent attire, that being his pants, a simple shirt, and his dark coat. 

He stepped out of his room and walked downstairs. Surprisingly, no one had woken up yet. Therefore, he proceeded himself to the kitchen and begun to cook breakfast. Dripping a bit of oil on the pan, he lit up the stove with a simple Ignaten spell and rummaged through his cabinets for something to fry.

He got a few eggs and bacon and in a while, the pleasant smell of cooked food wafted through the place. Almost immediately after Ramza begun to cook, Natsu burst out of his room. Not shortly after that, Happy followed him, flying into the kitchen.

"I smell food!" Natsu shouted.

"Aye!" Happy flew over the frying pan, just hovering out of the oil's reach. "I see bacon and eggs!" 

"Really!?" Natsu looked over Ramza's shoulder in excitement. "Awesome!"

"Dude, I'm cooking here!" Ramza tried to remove him from his shoulder. "Get off!"

"Urgh, Natsu! It's too early to be shouting!" Ramza turned his eyes to Gray at his room's doorway, looking rightfully annoyed.

"What's the big idea, you guys?" Lucy slammed her door open, tic appearing on her forehead.

"I was cooking breakfast until," Ramza shot a dirty look at Natsu, "This guy jumped on me!"

"Hey! I was hungry!" Natsu protested.

"Is there anything new?" Lucy put a hand to her forehead exasperatedly. 

"Natsu." Erza's voice rang clearly. She stood outside her door, wide awake. "Let him finish cooking first, then we'll eat."

"Y-yes ma'am..." Natsu replied feebly.

"Hmph." Gray grunted. "Pyro glutton."

"The hell did you say!?" Natsu glared at him.

"I said that you're a glutton, you pyro!" Gray glared back.

"Oh, yeah?" Natsu raised an angry eyebrow.

"What're you gonna do about it?" Gray gloated.

"This!" Natsu sent a punch at Gray, who gladly replied with a fist of his own. In no time, they were a cloud of punches and kicks on the floor.

"Seriously?" Lucy sighed. "This is what I wake up to?"

"Boys..." Erza muttered, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

When Natsu and Gray decided to calm down and be civil, Ramza was way past finished cooking his food. He had already served the eggs and bacon to Lucy and Erza, who had also finished eating. Ramza had cleaned his plate of food as well, and was now reading his tome of Sacred Script while sipping from a glass of coffee.

They both came to a truce and began to eat up whatever was left of what Ramza cooked. Fortunately, he cooked more than enough for all of them, so Gray and Natsu wouldn't have to worry about growling stomachs.

Just when they had finished gobbling up their meal, the doors of Ramza's house opened to reveal Mirajane. She looked as if she'd ran several miles, and her hair was unkept in multiple places. They all took one look at her, and they immediately noticed that something was wrong. 

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