Chapter 13: Phantom Lord Attacks.

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At this, everyone returned to their daily activities, as if nothing happened. The only evidence that seemed to stay from the switcheroo was that the guild members were more cheerful than normal, and perhaps the spell that Ramza now had in his asernal. It was a good day, despite everything that had happened.


The team of Happy, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Ramza were walking back from their successful mission. Natsu and Gray bickered like normal, whereas Erza tried to prevent them from getting physical. Lucy and Ramza trailed behind a bit, with the latter reading his Sacred Script tome.

"Hey guys?" Lucy called out, and all heads turned to her.

"Yeah?" Natsu asked.

"When I took the job, I was more of thinking that this would be a solo mission, you know?" She held up the request paper, which only gave them a measly reward of 500 jewel. That, and she'll still have to divide it equally among them, leaving her with only a hundred jewel.

"So I was wondering, why'd you guys come along?" Lucy questioned.

Natsu grinned at her. "Isn't it obvious? We're Fairy Tail's strongest team! So we gotta stick together!"

"Aye!" Happy lifted his paw.

"Don't you forget it." Gray smiled.

Erza nodded in agreement. Ramza gave her a thumbs up, despite not looking at her since he was so focused on his book.

Lucy's heart warmed up as she cuddled her Celestial Spirit, Plue, to her chest. "Yeah we are!"

"No job's too tough!" Natsu declared, "Not for me, Happy, Erza, Ramza and ol' droopy drawers here!"

"Don't call me that..." Gray muttered.

"We are quite a capable bunch." Erza said.

"True that!" Happy piped in.

Ramza looked up from his book. "Uh, I think that we're forgetting-"

"Me! You forgot about me!" Lucy screeched.

"Yeah. Her." Ramza pointed at the blonde.

"Ah, lighten up!" Natsu grinned, "I'm just messin' with ya, Loopy!"

Lucy crossed her arms. "Well, I don't appreciate it and that's not my name!"

Ramza and the others laughed at her protest. Lucy eventually gave in and laughed as well. They walked a bit more back to the guild, when they heard the townsmen whisper among themselves.

"Hey, aren't those Fairy Tail wizards?" One of them said.

"I guess they don't know..." Another whispered.

"I feel so bad for them..." One more said sadly.

Gray noticed and asked, "Why's everyone staring at us?"

Ramza scanned the townsmen's' faces. "It's like their looking at us-"

"With pity." Erza finished, sounding suspicious.

She then looked to where the guild was, but it wasn't in it's ordinary shape. It seemed to have something jutting out from it. Erza gasped.

"Why does the guild look so... Bizarre?" Erza wondered, worry filling her voice.

"I've a bad feeling about this..." Ramza gestured for them to go. "Come on, let's see what's going on."

They then quickly made their way back to the Fairy Tail guild and as they may have seen, it's not what it was before. Large pillars of steel have penetrated the building and poked out of large gaping holes. Many parts of the guild were smashed to bits by the iron rods, and the sign of 'Fairy Tail' in the front was now only 'F  ry T  l'.

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