"I'm not a homophobe." Harry snapped his eyes back to Draco, who's  almost silver eyes were watering a bit, as if he was trying not to cry. 

"What?" Harry asked, confused by Draco's sudden change of emotion.

"I am not a homophobe." Draco said again, staring into Harry's eyes for another moment, before turning to leave the bathroom. The door slammed shut behind him, leaving Harry wondering why Draco had been close to tears, and how such a git could have such amazing abs.

        *        *        *

After Harry had finished his shower, he walked out into their shared room with a towel wrapped around his waist, too busy scrubbing his hair dry to notice Draco gawking at him. He walked over to their shared dresser and pulled out some pajama bottoms he had recieved as hand me downs from Dudley, and an old  t-shirt, before qiuckly starting to dress. Draco was lounging in one of the green chairs by the fire, his potions homework sitting forgotten in his lap as he stared at Harry's back, muscles contorting under his tan skin as he pulled his shirt over his head. He watched as Harry tried to run a brush through his hair, giving up on the third try.

An idea came to Draco, and he was about to call out to Harry, but his nerves prevented him from doing so. Harry turned around to see Draco staring into space, a look of concentration on his pale face. Harry walked over and collapsed into the other chair, startling Draco in the process. He jumped, dropping his quill and potions essay onto the black carpet.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, before bending over to pick them up. Harry watched in amusement as Draco picked up the parchment, setting it on the coffee table infront of them.  "Don't do that." He snapped, glaring at the boy, who just let out a little snort. "Charming." Draco commented, before remembering his idea from earlier. "Harry?" He asked, looking at the brunet.


"Well, I was thinking. Since we are being forced to live together for the rest of the year, I think we should get to know each other." He said, a bit of hope in his voice.

"That seems good." Harry said, turning his head to look at the blond. "What's your favorite color?" He asked. Draco pretended to think for a minute, though he already knew his favorite color. It was the color of Harry's eyes.

"Green. Like a forest." He said decidedly. "Yours?" He asked, noticing Harry watching him intently.

"Gold. Like a snitch." He said, laughing.

Draco laughed too, before asking,"Favorite food?"

"Fish and chips. Yours?"


Harry was surprised at how easy it was to actually talk to Draco."Okay. First kiss?"  He asked teasingly, but changed to seriousness when the blond stiffened. "Draco?" He questioned, slightly worried.

"I haven't had one." Draco stated, his jaw clenched. "You?"

"I haven't either, at least not one that counted anyway." Harry said, and Draco relaxed at his words.

"One that counted?" Draco asked, watching as Harry sighed.

"I have kissed Ginny. But it was gross, it was like kissing my sister. I've never kissed a bloke, so I don't count it as one." He didn't tell Draco about Dean, and he didn't know why he was telling Draco this at all. He found it was much easier talking to him than he had thought it would be.

They talked for another hour or so, becoming slightly better friends through the conversation. Harry realized that the blond wasn't that bad, though he would never admit it to the other. Harry was so involved in their conversation, that he completely forgot about Draco and Pansy's conversation about Draco's crush. Eventually, Harry asked, "So Draco, who do you fancy?" Draco choked on the tea he had been taking a sip of.

"What?" He coughed, eyes widening as he looked at the brunet. Harry laughed.

"Well cmon! There has to be someone! I won't tell, so spill!" Draco's palms grew sweaty as he looked anywhere but at Harry. Talking with him had been amazing, something Draco couldn't have even dreamed of. He finally got to know a bit more about the boy who lived. And as much as Draco didn't want to admit it, Harry wasn't the show off Draco used to think he was. He couldn't let Harry find out now, it would ruin everything. He wouldn't want to share a room with Draco, he would tell his friends and they would all make him the laughing stock of the schoo- "Draco?" His eyes shot back up to look at Harry.

"Oh, righ, hah. Pansy." Draco lied, cringing at the thought of liking his best friend.

Harry nodded and sat back for a minute, while Draco thanked his lucky stars that Harry believed him.

"Wait a minute... that doesn't make sense." Harry said, furrowing his eyebrows at the blond.

"Why not?" Draco quickly questioned, panic starting to engulf him.

"Because a while back, you and Pansy were talking, and she knew who you had a crush on! She said that you needed to get over it before someone found out." He said, looking at Draco with curious eyes. Draco quickly became panicked, but masked it with anger. He had thought he had heard someone in the hallway that night.

"That was a private conversation, Potter!" Draco yelled, standing up from his seat. "Been following me around, spying on me, have you?" Harry cringed at Malfoy's outburst. He had forgotten that he wasn't supposed to know about that.

"Malfoy honestly I was just walking around and I heard part of your conversation I haven't been fo-"

"Save it, Potter." Draco sneered, glaring at him. He then went over and silently got in bed, back facing Harry. The brunet didn't expect Draco's use of his surname to hurt as much as it did. He sat there for another moment, before getting up and climbing into bed himself. He looked over at Draco's bed, the blond had his eye shut and a blank expression on his face.

"Draco.." Harry started, but trailed off as the blond rolled over, turning his back on the smaller boy. They laid in silence for another moment, before Harry whispered, "I'm sorry." And he too rolled over, back facing Draco. As Harry's breathing evened out, Draco fell asleep with a single tear rolling down his cheek.

The Potter Problem (Drarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora