Chapter 29

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"You ready." Noah came in through the door as I quickly wipe my tears and kept the ring in the drawer.
"Of course let's go." He steps closer to me examining me and realized something was wrong.

"Were you crying?" I deny but my eyes were a bit red and I was sniffling. "No. I was not."
I was sitting in the chair when he kneels to look at me."It's okay to miss him. I am here for you."

He knows me so much. I hate that I miss him. I hate how I still can't move on from him. Can we love and hate at the same time? "It has been a year yet I still miss him. I thought I moved on but no it's not that easy as it seems. I put on my shield and deny it but deep down I know I can't."

"It's fine Skyler. He was a fool to have broke your heart. You deserve someone better." He said wiping my tears. I don't know if I deserve someone better or him for that matter. I don't know what to think. A few minutes in my imaginary world I say. "We will go out and forget about him today.No one will talk about him."

"As you wish Madam." I laugh as he bows down. Noah always knew how to make me smile. He is everything everyone wants in a partner and anyone would be so lucky to have him and he still felt for me but I can't give him the same."There's the smile I was missing."

"Let's go. I will drive."

"I wanted to drive but Fine. I claim shotgun." He groans and I chuckle.
Scarlet will never give him the front seat and I laughed at the thought.

"That's between you and Scarlet to decide. I will grab my purse and then we can go." I drive to Scarlet's apartment as she was waiting for us downstairs and everything happened as expected. She made Noah go to the backseat and he sat behind pouting. I was laughing when all of this was happening.

We go to our favorite pizza restaurant to eat and for a time being, I forgot about everything. Noah asks as he eats his pizza."How is work?"

"Don't ask. Skyler makes me work so much. She forgets that I am her friend too." Scarlet scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"Of course I know. I can only imagine how she is at work. She is the same at home. Everything should be in place." I playfully hit his arm and he groans. It's not bad to be organized and neat.

"Stop it. I am right here." I glared at them but it didn't matter because they couldn't go without pulling my leg."We know that."

Then they both laugh...
"Fine laugh all you want. I am just dedicated to my work and Noah it's not a sin to keep your place clean."
I say angrily and Scarlet continues with the conversation."You are so dedicated. You love your work."

"Fine think whatever you want to." I give up and Scarlet suggests.
"We are going dancing tonight."

"Where to?" Noah asks. It's been a long time I went out and had fun. I wanted to keep my mind off Shane. Noah suggests as we pay our bills."Then let's go to City Lights. It's the closest from here."

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