Chapter 28

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I open the door to see Emily sitting on the couch waiting for me. I don't know why she waits for me when she knows nothing will change between us even though we are married."Shane, You are home. I was waiting for you."

"It's not like it was for the first time. Then get used to it."
She was already in her nightgown trying to seduce me. It was after a week I returned to this house. I would not call this place home now. Home is where Skyler is. I shifted from that place last year and moved in with Emily.

I hate this. She came in close and places her hand on my chest and then places her head on my chest pulling me into a hug."Why don't you understand I love you, Shane. You don't come home for weeks and don't pick up my calls and ignore my message. I have to call your parents and Tyler to know where you are? This your home too. I get worried for you."

She doesn't get the hint even after it's been a year. I have been doing this purposely. Ignoring her. Inside the house, I stay away from her as possible. I don't even like to see her face but at events in front of the media, we pretend to be the couple when it all fake. I was so disgusted by her that I couldn't even fake my feelings in front of everyone so I stopped going to functions and events and if I do I go alone myself.

"It's because I don't want to talk to you and you call this a home. I don't think so. Home is where your loved ones are and I don't think I married you because I love you and I will never. You know what It was a mistake." I storm off from the house again. This was not the first time when I stormed off like that. I can't bear her for a second. I couldn't bear this anymore and I knew where to go. I drove to the bar and drank all my sorrows away. We would have been married by now if it wasn't for me.

There was a time when I couldn't stay the night away from you on the night before our wedding and now I am away from you and you hate me so much that you don't want to see my face. I miss you so much.

I was drinking a few drinks. I look inside my suit pocket. I take out my ring and look at it with tears in my eyes. What happened Skyler? I know it's my fault. It was me who pushed you away but I had no choice. I had to do it.

I don't know for what sins I am paying that our fates were written separated from each other. I am so sorry Skyler. Forever does exist maybe not together but I will always love you forever. Maybe in another life, we will get our forever together.


"You know you could have just called." She laughs through the phone. I know I could have just called but there was something fun about sending letters.

"A letter seemed romantic to me."
I was smiling and I knew she was blushing. The reason why I wrote a letter. "From tomorrow no one can stop me from seeing you. I will always be beside you." I was missing her badly. Tyler and the guys were saying I was whipped but I ignored their discussion.

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