Chapter 24

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"Sky, I know what you are thinking about." He said when I said no. I couldn't control my tears. All my life I have dreamt of this. Dreamt that someone who would love me and propose to me. , this was better than what I dreamt but can I be selfish. I loved him too much to not keep him bound to me.

"I love you, Shane, You are my everything but I can't. I love you so much that I cannot go away from you. I can't bear the loss of another loved one and you. I won't be able to see you broken if I...We should move on before it's too late. I have cancer and I don't know if..." Shane places a finger on my lips nodding to not finish that statement.

"Don't you dare finish that statement?" I look at him and a tear slid down his cheeks and it broke me to see him like this. It had to happen and I knew that. It better be now than later.

"You can't run away from the truth, Shane. We can't predict anything. It will be  of me to keep you bound to me and I know I am doing the same now."

So, this is it. I was thinking about what will happen next. Where will I go? I don't have anyone except for him. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I thought about it. This was harder than I thought it would be.

I took deep breaths. It was a lot to take in. I start coughing and he steps closer to me as he held my hand and rubs my back to calm me down.

He pulls a chair and makes me sit down. He sat on his knees resting his head on my lap holding me tight by my waist."What if I want you to be selfish?"

"No, Shane. I will leave first thing in the morning. This cannot happen. You have your whole life ahead of you while mine is still ascertain. I am sorry, Shane. I can't do this."
I broke down into tears. This is something which was supposed to be done before. I didn't know what was to happen next and the thought scared me.

"Sky, I know everything yet I still want to stay beside you. I decide with you after everything and I will never regret that decision. You are my whole world and I can't let you go alone now. I want you and you only."

He choked on his words is when I realize he was crying. "You pushing me away will not change my feelings. Even if you decide to go now I won't stop loving you. I told you WE WILL FIGHT THIS TOGETHER. Don't push me away, Sky Please."

I could hear his voice cracking. It's as if it pleaded with me to not go. I was unsure but I know how it feels to lose someone you love. I could feel he was scared to lose me and I knew.

I was barely hanging on my senses. I have never felt so wanted, so cherished. I know no one except Shane can make me feel like this.
"Shane, I will marry you."

Shane was beyond happy. He lifts his head to meet my gaze. His eyes were red bloodshot red due to crying which was rare for I have rarely seen him crying.

I could see his face glow up after I nodded a yes. As for me, I don't know how to describe my feelings in words. Shane then kisses my hand and then slides the ring on my finger.

He kissed me and this was different than the other kisses we had. It was a sweet and gentle kiss yet passionate at the same time.
The way his lips played with mine was his way of claiming me his.

We both were overwhelmed by everything. After which we took a walk by the beach. We didn't say anything and we were just holding hands looking at each other but we spoke a million words in that silence.

I couldn't stop smiling. I was thinking of a day when I smiled so much that my cheekbones hurt and I can't think of any. This man is going to be my husband and I can't wait.

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