Knights AU 🌼Fluff🌼

Start from the beginning

The wind blew through Grian's hair as the beat of the dragons wings rang in his ears, Mumbo looked down at the ground below, hanging on for dear life as he tried to control the large red Dragon as he flew beside Grian. How did he make it look so easy? Their quest for today was simple, A mountain troll had been spotted by the village and they were assigned to deal with it. They approach the quaint town, Grian smiles at the familiar buildings and fields. He moved to the capitol kingdom as soon as he was appointed a Knight, and was assigned a partnership with his now best friend, Mumbo. They were mission partners sure, but Grian thought of them as so much more. He wanted them to be so much more. Mumbo had grown up a ton since they started squires camp. He was tall, just over 6 feet. Whereas Grian stood at exactly 5'6 (and a half). Mumbo had grown in a marvelous moustache and constantly wore a white button up shirt when he wasn't in his shiny armour, Anyway, back to the action.

Grian jumped and swung his sword at the Troll, striking it's weak point, the back of the neck. Mumbo charged forward and stabbed his own sword into the trolls knee. The Giant 20 foot tall troll stumbles forward, falling down, but not before grabbing at Grian's arm. It's large claw scraped against Grian's armour, before puncturing it and sinking into Grian's skin. He let out a wince in pain before pulling away from the trolls grasp, causing the sharp claw to run down his arm, making the wound worse. He ran over to a nearby tree while Mumbo delivered the final blow to the trolls head, that way they feel no pain. Trolls aren't part of any particular food chain or anything, they have no purpose except for being violent. So killing them has no affect.

Mumbo runs to Grian, who had shed all his armour and was sitting under a tree. He was still wearing his under layer, which happened to be a red sweater. Mumbo had always wondered why or how Grian never overheated in such attire. There was a large rip in the sleeve where Grian was clutching his arm. No matter how great Grian pain tolerance was, it hurt like hell. Mumbo jogged over to the dragons and pulled a roll of gauze out of the saddle bags before running back to where Grian was. He wrapped up Grian's arm and helped him up, and they started their way down the hill.

"Stupid Mountain Trolls" Grian mumbled.

"They're quite the vermin aren't they?" Mumbo responded, "You think Madeline is still mad at us for being late?"

"Probably, she's pretty strict, I guess that's why she's the head of the round table now. That woman is Sca-ry."

Remember little Madeline? She ended up being the head of the group of Knights. Smart, agile, and strong, Lady Miriam had chosen her as the leader after her retirement. Madeline led the group with an iron fist and she was not someone to mess with. Grian and Mumbo had shown up late to the meeting where they were assigned quests, which is why they were assigned troll duty. The pair mounted their dragons and took off. Somehow, even with only one arm, Grian still flew ten times better than Mumbo did. They approached the capitol, The pair was anxious as to what Lady Madeline would say when she found out that they almost caused the villages destruction by being a bit late, not to mention how Grian had gotten injured the day before the biggest quest on the century. He and Mumbo had been assigned to one of the greatest quests know to knight kind. Rescue a princess. Locked high in a tower, a princess named Malikah Tremayne. She was imprisoned by her younger brother Maverick, who is plotting to begin a war with all surrounding kingdoms. Including their own. The task at hand was to rescue her, and then stop Maverick.

Grian and Mumbo were beyond excited for the task, and had been training night and day for the quest. Grian's injury was just a minor set back. The Pair started their descent into the Capitol. Heading toward Guard Tower One just north of Craftingham kingdom. The excitement and nerve mounted the closer they got. Grian landed his Dragon, Ari, smoothly on the platform. And he watched as Mumbo nearly fell off trying to simply dismount the Dragon, Charrot. Grian pondered how they were named the best knight duo by the King himself.

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