The Great Assembly

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The assembly room was quiet and somber this evening, with very few cohort members knowing what was actually about to transpire. Brianna felt an aching emptiness swelling inside the pit of her stomach. She wasn't sure if she was physically hungry, or if she was just dreading the events to come. Tonight was the night she tore her own organization apart. The Five Minds was about to implode on itself. Deeds like this were never done pleasantly.

She didn't know what to expect. Would Scarlett try and defend herself? Or would she admit openly to conspiring with the demons of Darkness and practicing in demonic rituals, just like her aunt Adeline? Scarlett was supposed to be a leader. She and Brianna had met as freshmen. They were even friends at a time. Things had changed so much since then. Brianna wrote it off as Scarlett getting closer to her cohort – which was true – but there was more information lurking beneath the surface that had just recently emerged.

There was so much Brianna didn't know. She had no idea if it was possible to conjure a demon, or if they just came. She'd hoped the latter, but there was no real way of knowing without entering into that space herself...or knowing someone who had. Either way, the advocates had not been performing their essential function and the demons had been flocking to Covington and their campus like New City was the location of the gates of hell. She couldn't prove that they were conjuring demons, but it was the only thing that made sense. But then again, not much made sense. Not yet, anyway.

How do you fight something that you don't understand? Brianna didn't know much, but she did know that the people she'd entrusted secret rituals, training, and roles to had betrayed her. She had to get of them. She was living and dwelling with the enemy, and it couldn't continue any longer.

"Good evening, everyone. Thank you for being here promptly. I know we've had an eventful last few months. The Darkness's influence continues to expand and captivate the minds of humans and Nephilim, alike," she hinted. "It's been a devastating blow to the work we do, and while it may seem as if there is no hope for us, I know that our essential truths still hold true. I also believe that our abilities are more powerful than ever, because those who believe in the Light and choose selflessness over selfishness are passionate for our cause like never before. Those who choose self-purpose over self-presence are thriving, prepared, and diligent. Our strength comes from the Light.

Together, I would like us to recite our essential truths in remembrance of what we stand for. All rise"

The congregation of Nephilim rose. Brianna eyed the advocates carefully, waiting purposefully to see if they'd stand like everyone else. In the true fashion of liars, they stood as if they hadn't dishonored the very truths that were woven into the fabric of their organization.

With a steely gaze pointed directly at Scarlett, Brianna began.

"We will serve the Light with our hearts, souls, and minds. We will serve one another as ourselves. To serve is to love. To love is to fulfill our purpose."

Scarlett, along with everyone else in the room, responded, "These are the truths that we shall live by."

Brianna hoped those words tasted like bile on Scarlett's unworthy lips. How dare she echo the essential truths like she hadn't defiled the trust they'd given her.

Brianna motioned for the Five Minds to take their seats, and with an unfazed smirk, Scarlett sat with the rest of them.

"I know that you are accustomed to reviewing data of the movements of Darkness in these meetings. You're used to receiving assignments and having an opportunity for discussion following those assignments. Tonight, however, is going to be different. It has to be different. Something has changed in the atmosphere of Covington – of New City. For months, we have deliberated over why the Darkness is increasing in intensity. Not only are more possessions occurring, but more people are being influenced by the demonic presence in our town. People are becoming murderous like we've never seen them. I have tried my best to give people the benefit of the doubt, but concrete evidence cannot be ignored. The evidence is undeniable. We have been betrayed."

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