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Everly walked towards the welcome desk with her parents on either side. They took their place in the back of the line. In the meantime, quirky students dressed in navy polo shirts and khaki shorts greeted students that were waiting to check in.

"Hello! Welcome to New City! My name is Brianna and I'm here to help with anything you need on Welcoming Weekend! We're about to get you checked in if you'll just wait in this line, please. Thank you!"

Brianna had long, blonde hair that tumbled down her back in perfect curls. Her hair was half up and tied with a sparkling, gold ribbon. A long strand of pearls, twisted once, held tightly to her neck like a choker with the rest of the necklace hanging down her chest. She looked so elegant and completely unlike Everly. She had cobalt-blue eyes that were filled with delight as she bounced around in her stark white keds. Everly had never seen anyone so beautiful, or so peppy, and she was suddenly questioning her decision to dress like someone who had obviously just rolled out of bed.

"Oh, okay. Thanks!" replied Everly awkwardly.

Everly felt incredibly insecure. She'd never been surrounded by so many people her own age. She looked around as her parents waited for her reaction. She took in all the faces. While many students looked relatively average, some looked like straight up movie stars and models. Sharp jawlines. Vibrant eyes. Hair that looked like it was deep conditioned minutes prior. She didn't even want to think about their physiques. While Everly was pretty good at maintaining a confident air, her confidence was cracking by the minute, threatening to shatter completely.

"Who ARE these people?!"

Rachel, a little taken aback herself, said, "Angel, they are just like you. Students making a fresh start. There's nothing to be nervous about."

"I know. You're right, Mom."

Nearly as soon as they'd spoken, Everly felt a figure come stand in line behind them. She glanced over her shoulder to see who'd approached.

The girl standing in line behind them put bubbly Brianna's beauty to shame. Her hair was a rich, brown color with amber undertones. Her hair was thick and cascaded down, perfectly straight, all the way to her bottom. Her eyes were an icy, pale blue. Unlike Brianna's eyes, this girl's eyes looked like they were devoid of any emotion. Unless, of course, confidence was an emotion. Everly suddenly felt like every ounce of her own confidence had been sucked out of her soul and given to this girl. Her full, rosy lips looked like an Andy Warhol painting. Her skin was perfectly tanned and she wasn't covered in freckles like Everly. She was tall and thin, but she looked like she could break Everly in half. She was clothed in silky, black slip dress. She was a strange contradiction of a human: beautifully alluring, but also someone she didn't want to be remotely close to. She didn't even make eye contact with them.

Everly despised her awkwardness. Her shoulders were tight.

Suddenly, Everly became painfully aware that she was staring at girl behind her when she shot her a wicked look that froze her in place for two seconds. Everly quickly rotated her head back towards the welcome desks.

Freaking home school. I'm living into my socially awkward stereotype. GREAT.

Rachel and Ben paid no attention to the inner teenage turmoil going on within their daughter. They were immersed in a New City brochure, conversing over the different programs the school offered.

"Oooh. Ev! You love science. Maybe you should go pre-med! It says here that pre-med students that graduate from the undergraduate university with a three-point-eight GPA get automatic acceptance to New City medical school!"

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