Letting her go is the best thing to do, after all he was just a compromise.

  "You are so pathetic, you disgust me, I'm tired of all your shits, I'm fucking tired" Jamal yelled.

     She flinch due to his yell, she is now  scared of the man in front of her, he is not the normal Jamal she know, she has turn him into a demon, an angry one at that.

  Tears keep rolling down  her eyes, wishing she could take back all what she have said and done, and turn the clock around.  Only an heartless person will do what she did, she let's her angst get ahead of her.

    ''You said you don't want the marriage, the arrangements will be call off"  
     he said giving her a hateful glare,      the look that is always filed with love,    respect, pride, and happiness now held nothing but hates for her,  His blue orbs has change to red.

   '' You need help, you need to get your shit together and stop hurting people''  he said,  although what she did was uncalled.

    Not able to stand there any longer, she picked her clutch and hurriedly left the place tears streaming down.

       Thankfully a cab just dropped off another person, she quickly entered the cab,  Telling the driver her destination.  The tears hasn't stop, she feel like a bitch, the cab driver kept looking at her through the rear view mirror.

    "Madam hope there is no problem. Make I stop" the driver said trying to park

"Am okay, drive on" she said wipping her tears.

       Soon they arrive at her house, paying him, the gateman open the door for her, she entered the house disoriented and went to her room,  she was so blunt, but thought the longer she wait, the harder it feels hard for both of them, she regret the way she blurt it out, at least she should have said it in a nice way.


   Fareedah is sitted in her Ammiey living room,she told her parent she has something to tell them.  Now they were waiting for her to say whatever she want to say.

    She was quivering not able to meet their gaze.

  "Abba pls call off these arrangement, they don't have to come for the sa rana". She said

   Everywhere was  silent for a while then a thudding sound was heard.

    Ammiey slapped her, thats the first time Ammiey will slap her, tear slip out of her eye.
  Kneeling down close to Ammiey to beg her
        'Ammiey , pls am sorry, I don't love him and I don't think I will ever do" she said crying

  "Shut your mouth, wa wiya kawai, this wedding is taking place there is nothing you can do" Ammiey said

   She turn to look at her father but he gave her a disappointed look, then ignore her, she can't deal with her parent staying angry at her

   "Who told you, you can't love him, even if you don't now it can happen after marriage,  but the useless words you filled in your head will not make you see the right thing" she said

    Ammiey wanted to continue but Abba phone rang, he picks it up .

   ''Okay, No problem, its okay you don't have to worry" Abba said sadly at the end of the call.

    Keeping the phone,he turn to fareedah and said

   "The Arrangements is off"

"What"Ammiey ask surprise, what are you saying"

"Ahmad call now and try to explain something about Jamal not wanting to get ahead with the marriage" Abba said

     "I'm definitely sure its her doing that make him to change his mind'  Ammiey said

   All fareedah could do was to sob harder, she was suppose to feel happy with the news but she felt her world crumbling.

   "Has it been the wedding date have been fix , she would have disgrace and embarrass us" Ammiey said trying to contain her anger.

     "What ever happen afterwards, count me out"    she said storming  to her room, Abba gave her a dissatisfied look and went to the room with Ammiey.

    Dejectedly she also leave to her room ,as soon as she entered the room started to spin, her breathing were getting difficult.

She meanured to the bed for support,
'In and out',' in and out', she tried breathing,she was going haywire, with great difficulty she drag her self to the closet to look for drugs, throwing things on the floor she search for it but couldn't find it, tears kept streaming down she close her eyes trying to maintain her breathing.
"Is these how am going to die" she thought, she caused all these for her self, its been long she has an attack.

      Asma who came to check on her sister but couldn't find her, decide to check the closet, what she saw scared her, she rushed to her side scared.

    Knowing she has to be calm, for her to know what to do, she composed herself.
    Rubbing circle on fareedah back "am here breath" she said

"Take a deep breath in, then another breath out, concentrate on your breathing" Asma told her as they breathe in and out together.

    Her breathing were now coming back to normal, Asma stood up to take the medicine from where its kept, taking it she maneuvered back to fareedah and give her to take helping her with the water.

     Asma help her to stand up and they move to the room for  more ventilation, fareedah lay on the bed eye flickered open.

"Its going to be alright, inshaallah" Asma said

    "I'm a monster, I shouldn't have done that"she said

   "Shh , its okay'' Asma said, she hates this weak side of her sister, she was not happy when she knew what happen but she also know how sensitive her sister is about "love and marriage"
     Asma came into the room to reprimand her sister not caring if she is older, but met another thing.

       All what fareedah did kept coming back to her, she needed someone to pour out her heart but also did not want to be judge.
   she felt all alone, she knew where to run to, sleep, her safe heaven slowly she was drifting into darkness...... Home......


      Who expected these, don't kill me oo😀, how was it.

          I wanted to spice it up a little, I think some drama will at least make it more interesting, so bear with me.

     Your thoughts and comment are highly welcome,I love it when you comment😄😚.

    Prayers for Lebanon🙏😿

  Don't forget to,





   Lots of love Amyraamyr001💋❤💙💝.

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