Edward's Realization

Start from the beginning

"Watch your tone Edward Anthony!" He watched me with cold eyes, and I found the hard wood floor was all the more appealing to look at. Satisfied that I had submitted for a second, he spoke up once more. "Continue." He sighed. I glared up at him, I was growing tired of this.

"You already know what happened! You're just trying to make me feel bad! Guess what Carlisle, I don't! There is nothing you can do about it!" Carlisle gave me a low growl, and I swear my heart dropped to my feet.

"Do not use that tone with me again Edward! Because if you do, I promise I'll be using my belt."

"I'm sorry sir." I mumbled quietly.
   His jaw was tense and he pinched the bridge of his nose. He let out a long sigh and turned his attention back to me.


I tried to heed his warning, I really did, but I couldn't. I felt so furious and betrayed and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"I tried to kill him! Is that what you want to hear Carlisle!" I stood up abruptly and glared down at my father. I was done with this conversation. He had no right to judge me. It hadn't been his mate who was attacked, it was my mate, my Bella! He couldn't understand what I was going through and he certainly shouldn't punish me for it!

"Son, calm down. You're only making this worse for yourself." His words of warning were ignored and I continued to yell at him.

"What were you hoping to accomplish through this Carlisle! Did you think that I would forgive Jasper just like that! I am not sorry for what I've done, and I NEVER will be!" I screamed at him. "Jasper deserves to die over what he did Carlisle! You can't tell me otherwise!"

"Edward Anthony! Sit down!" His tone terrified me. I had crossed a line, and I was going to seriously regret it. I swiftly sat back down and ducked my head. Set down the shovel if you want to get out of the hole, I mentally chastised myself.

"Look at me son." He said his voice still had a trace of anger. I slowly raised my head to meet his golden eyes. "Fighting another family member for any reason, is strictly against the rules. Not only did you fight Jasper, you also attacked Emmett and Alice." My eyes returned to the floor. Carlisle gently tapped his finger under my chin so I would look at him.

   "Not only did you fight Jasper but, you convinced him he didn't belong. Have you realized the effect this has had on our family? On your sister? I realise that you have no remorse for what happened with Jasper, but please son, show Alice some mercy. She has lost her mate through all of this, and she doesn't know if he will come back or not." I did feel bad for Alice, but Jasper's betrayal couldn't be forgiven. No matter the effect it had on her.

"I'm not saying you have to forgive Jasper, or be sorry for that matter. I'm only trying to say that, Jasper is family and no matter what we won't turn our backs on him. I am seriously disappointed in your behavior Edward." My eyes dropped to the floor once again. Carlisle let out a sigh again and stood up.

"Well, let's not put this off any longer." I stood up and waited for his directions, I certainly didn't want to make this worse. "Give me your belt son." My jaw dropped, I was appalled.

"Dad, please don't." I pleaded.

"Edward, you disrespected me time and time again during this discussion. You yelled and you argued. I don't break promises Edward. I don't want to use your belt, but you've left me no choice." I gave my father an apologetic look, but I could tell he wasn't going to change his mind. I hesiantly complied. I fumbled with the buckle for a while, I couldn't get it undone I was too shaky. When it finally slipped out of the last loop, I dropped it into my father's hand. He sat down in the center of the couch.

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