Edward's Realization

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Edward's POV
One week later

   Everyone had left on a family hunt, that is, except for me and Carlsile. As soon as everyone was out the door he called me into his study. That could only mean one thing, a spanking. Not once had Carlisle called me into his office when we were home alone, and not tanned my hide. It was inevitable, but I sure as hell hoped that, just this once, I was wrong.

   I had, had my fair share of whippings since Carlisle turned me. Mostly for things like disrespect or lying, but I very rarely got into fights. That was Carlisle's biggest rule, no fighting. When you broke that rule, you knew you wouldn't sit for at least a week. Carlisle was a fair man, but when you got into a fight... let's just say the man had zero tolerance.

   What I didn't understand is why Carlisle was giving me the punishment, I wasn't the one who attacked first. I was just defending my mate. Sure I was gonna kill him, but that's besides the point. Major Yeehaw wasn't being punished, so why should I?

God, I was starting to sound like Emmett.

  I knocked harder on his study door than I originally intended. I was just glad it didn't come off its hinges, I was already in enough trouble. My temper was not in complete control. Carlisle must have realized because he gave me a look of warning as I entered. Dad's office was still mostly in boxes. There was a large empty bookcase on the left and right wall, his desk sat in the middle and a leather couch was positioned in front of the desk. That was it for decor, which surprised me because Carlisle was always the first to unpack.

"Edward are you listening?" I realized that Carlisle had been trying to get my attention. He was effectively blocking his thoughts from me, so I couldn't find out what he wanted from me. I really hated when he blocked me, I depended so much on my gift everyday and not being able to use it made me anxious.

"Sorry dad, what did you say?"

"I asked you to take a seat." He pointed at the couch and I sat there hesitantly. He sat on the edge of his tall desk, making me feel small. I knew he did this intentionally, and my temper flaired up once again.

"Edward let's discuss last weeks incident that occurred on Sunday. Okay?" Great we're jumping right into this.

"Sure dad." I grumbled half-heartedly.

"Son would you be so kind to explain to me, in detail, the incident between you and Jasper? Please don't leave anything out." I knew the drill, he wasn't really asking, and if you didn't answer him he'd just swat you until you did. So, I decided to tell him everything. Even though he watched the whole damn thing.

"Jasper lost control and pounced at Bella, I shoved her away and tried to tackle him, to stop him. He jumped over me and threw me into the rest of you." That's what hit you in the head dad. I added in my thoughts, attempting to hide a snicker.

Oh my god, I really was turning into Emmett!

"He got on top of Bella and drank from her! So I pushed him off and tackled him. He wouldn't get back in control of himself so I-I punched him... in the face... four times." My voice got quieter at the end, because Carlisle's disappointed stares cut through me like a knife. "I also - well I-I - I kinda bit him."

"Why would you bite him Edward?" His words where cold, and accusatory.

"He bit Bella!" A rush of adrenaline surged through me. I felt no remorse for what I did, and he knew it.

"So you bit him because, you felt it was fair?" He questioned his strict tone unyielding.

"He deserved it Carlisle!" I snapped at him.

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