Part 5

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Lukes POV:

I meet the boys at the apartment later that night and they seem to like Dylan.

"shes a keeper bro" Calum winks and i groan

"dont start, we arent even dating you moron" i whine

"but you will be soon, she fancies you very much lad" Ashton points out and i feel the blood rush to my cheeks i take a sudden interest in my shoes ...

"awh little Pukas is blushing" Ashton cackles and i scowl

"i thought we all agreed to never call me that again" i pout and run my hand through my hair.

"sorry Pukas" Calum butts in

"you guys are retards, im going to bed" i shake my head and walk into my room.

i slip off my clothes and grab a quick shower.

i get out and slip on some boxers. i climb into bed and fall asleep after a long ass day.


the next day i wake up on time and actually have the time to drag my ass to work. i put a little more effort into my hair this morning, i usually just brush it into the usual quiff but today i used some of michaels gel to make it look better.

i hope Dylan likes it

we arrive at the coffee shop and Ashton takes the register.

i stay in the back and make pot after pot of coffee.

"Oh Pukasssss" i hear Ashtons annoying voice call and i grit my teeth

"what you idiot" i groan as he walks back to me

"your little girlfriend is asking for you" he teases

"for the last time, shes not my girlfriend and stop fucking calling me pukas" i spit and walk up front to the counter.

a smile takes over my face as i spot Dylan leaning against the counter, sipping, you guessed it, a caramel frappe.

"hey you" i greet her and she smiles

"so hows life?" i ask her

"pretty good, i mean im getting a job pretty soon i just dont know where to apply, i kinda hate physical activity" she jokes and i grin

"you could apply here!!" i offer and she gives me a puzzled look

"i cant do that! you guys work here! id goof off too much and get fired in an instant" she points out

"not when Ashton is the boss" i smirk

"but i would feel bad. id feel as if im taking advantage of you guys, i could never do that" she protests, scrunching up her nose in an adorable way

"i offered, its fine Dylan" i assure her and hand her an application

"fine" she gives in and grabs a pen

she sits at a table and fills out the form, and 30 minutes later, Ashton approves of her.

"so where do i get my uniform?" she asks as i lead her back behind the counter.

"we have an old stash in the back, come on" i say and grab her hand in mine and tug her along.

i pull out the box of old uniform shirts and give her a small.

she walks to the bathrooms to change and walks back out wearing her uniform shirt.

it fits perfectly. some people would say its too small, but it perfectly shapes her chest.

she smiles and walks over to me.

"today shall be your promo day" i declare and begin to show her how everything works.

pretty soon, shes serving customers.

"hey Dylan?" i call as i walk up to the front

"hmm?" she hums and turns to face me

"after work do you wanna go grab something to eat?" i ask

"sure" she beams and i nod.


After our shift, we end up walking to McDonalds.

we each get chicken nuggets and fries with mountian dew.

"so" she says and rests her elbows on the table, staring me down

"yes?" i ask and stare into her hazel eyes.

"tell me about yourself" she prods and i shrug

"what do you wanna know?" i ask

"just some stuff about you, your family, and other pointless i probably wont remember" she jokes and i nod

"well my middle name is Robert, my favorite animals are penguins, i have two brothers, jack and ben, i have never seen Titanic, im the master at losing things, and my favorite food is pizzaaaaaa" i tell her and she actually seems interested.

"who hasnt seen Titanic?!!" she exclaims and i laugh

"i never got around to it. im sorry?" i say as more of a question and she laughs

"what about you Missy? tell me about you, even thought you already told me some, i wanna know more" i tease

"full name is Dylan Andrea Mason, i was born in Ohio but moved to New York when i was 8, uhm like i told you, i have an older brother back in New York, named Ryan. my mom passed when I was little and my dads a marine." she smiles cheekily at the last one

"damn you gotta be loaded" i mutter and she laughs a little

"kind of, but not as much as would think" she admitts

We finish eating and realize that its already 7 at night.

i walk her back to her apartment.

"so ill see you tomorrow Pukas?" she smirks and i facepalm

"oh God did Ashton tell you?" i whine and she nods and stifles a laugh

"god remind me to maim him later" i half-joke.

she shakes her head and grins

"well uh, goodnight Dylan. see you at work tomorrow" i smile and she leans in to hug me.

i peck her cheek and she flushes.

i do the same and we both part our seperate ways, both our faces burning.



what a bunch of cuties

next update will be soon. school is


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