Part 33

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Dylan's POV:

Luke is everything to me and I don't want to accept the fact that he is leaving me in a month.

Luke has made my life so much better. Knowing there is someone out there that cares about you, knowing they would do anything to make you smile, its the best feeling in the world.

Luke IS my world. I may not have known him for very long, but I know that the love I have for him will never die. I can't bear to think about the day he leaves me for the tour.

But I also don't wanna be the reason be doesn't take this chance. The reason he doesn't start his career. He has so much potential and I don't want that to go to waste.

Its been a few days, maybe even a week since I last saw Luke. I told him I needed a few days to let the news of him leaving, sink in.

In reality, he's leaving in a month and I will just have to deal with it

Luke has my heart and I don't want it back.

"Dylan!" Carly yells from the living room

"What" I reply back and walk out to where she is sitting

"You might wanna see this" she points to the TV where a celebrity gossip show is playing

"Popular boy band One Direction has announced that they will have a special guest band on their Take Me Home tour. We are happy to announce that our very own Aussie band, 5 Seconds Of Summer will be touring with One Direction starting next month. The band members include Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, and Calum Hood. Such exciting news for our aussies. This has been the Daily Grind"

Its official

Luke is leaving in a month

"Wow, Dylan I'm So sorry" Carly sighs

"I already knew he was leaving i just didn't want to admitt it" I say sadly

"Dylan, are you crying?" She asks softly and I nod

"I don't want him to go but I also don't want him to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity " I sniffle

"Dylan, have you told him how you feel?"she asks softly

I shake my head and wipe my eyes

"You need to tell him Dylan" she sighs

"I don't want to, I don't want to hold him back" I huff

"Dylan what are you going to do while he gone? Huh? You're not going to be able to function. You spend more time with that boy than you do here" she says matter-of-factly

"Carly you don't get it" I continhe

"I do. You love him and don't want him to go but at the same time you want him to go and start his singing career" she smiles

"What do you suggest I do? I'm so confused by my own emotions" I whine

"Talk to him. Tell him exactly why you are flustered and see what he thinks" she tells me and I nod

"When do I talk to him" I sigh

"As soon as you can" she replied and I nod

I pull out my phone

Me: Hey can you come over? I need to talk to u

Luke: yes of course I'll be the asap :)

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