Part 38

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Dylan's POV:

Everyday for the past 3 weeks i have been going to the gym and training for the boxing tournament. Speaking of which, it is in one week. the same week that Luke comes home.

Im honestly so excited to have Luke back even if it is for a few days. i just wanna be able to hold him and kiss him again. i now know what every true fangirl goes through. loving someone so much and wanting nothing more than to be in their arms but not being able to. it kills me

Josh recently broke his nose while helping me box this past week. well, to be more specific, i accidentally broke his nose. Its not my fault though! He asked me to hit him as hard as i could. he didnt know i could hit really hard!

Well being he is going to be in the hospital for a few more days, he got me temporary coach. Josh's best friend. Nate Walker. He seems nice from what Josh has described, i hope he can prepare me for the tournament.

This morning was the usual, get out of bed, check my phone, get dressed in a sports bra and running shorts and make oatmeal.

i actually jogged to the gym this morning, not really wanting to waste time. Josh had been telling me jog to the gym every morning to warm up but i never listen.

I arrive at the gym and say 'hi' to a few people before walking over to the mat, waiting for this Nate Walker to show up.

i take it upon myself to warm up, i do a few pushups and squats and then do a few gymnastics stretches to make sure my muscles are are good.

im in the middle of doing my right split stretch when a low voice interrupts me

"easy there bendy" i hear them chuckle and i get up from my split to see who it is, mocking me

i turn to see a handsome boy. maybe 19. he has dark brown hair, almost black. His muscles are very toned, making him seem intimidating.

"done checking me out?" he smirks as my eyes make their way back to his face

i shake off his teasing and stick out my hand "Dylan Mason"

he looks at my hand before taking it into his own, in a firm handshake " Nate Walker"

"oh so you're my new trainer?" i ask

"you got that right babe" he winks and i blush

dont blush, you have a boyfriend!!

i mentally smack myself in the face and block out all Nate's flirting

"what do you need me to do first?" i ask

"well just keep up what Josh has been teaching you i guess, but today im taking you into the actual boxing ring" he tells me and i nod

i do my usual mile and finish it in exactly 6 minutes, then we do the cardio machines and then my hand on exercises.

after an hour and a half, Nate takes me into the ring.

he gives me my boxing gloves and he slips on his padding.

"come at me" he tells me and i do just that

i take a few steps and take a swing at his jaw which he blocks. i back up and then go in for his stomach, he blocks me again.

he sees my courses of action before i can make them, i decide to switch it up.

i take a few steps and make like i am going to hit him in the abdomen but at the last second i switch direction, throwing him off, and knocking him lightly in the jaw

"Nice method, you might need that in the ring" he compliments and i nod

"try and swing lower though" he advises and i nod before attacking his hand guards

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