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2 years go by and no one mentions the day that Luke had a gun to his head. We moved on. I eventually had to leave for New York and Luke respected that. We kinda got back together. We not kinda, we are back together. I couldn't be happier.

Today is my dance recital, and my graduation. I didn't end up being a dance teacher. I'm a professional dancer. Going to open my own studio back in Australia.

"Alright girls, go out there and dance your hearts out" my instructor tells us and I peek out the curtain. Luke is front row along with Carly and the other boys. I instantly break into a smile and get all giddy.

The lights dim and our music starts. It's Not A Bad Thing by Justin Timberlake. This song actually represents me and Luke so I'm so happy to dance to it.

The curtain opens and my breathing hitches. I spot Ryan in the back of the room with his camera, recording.

Each girl has their own solo and mine comes at the bridge of the song. Just the part I wanted.

I take my time, making sure to hit every move with passion. Making sure the audience can see the fire in my heart.

As the song runs out we are supposed to hold up a Sign with someone we love's name on it. You already know whose name is on mine heh

So I proudly whip out my sign that says

For the cute Coffee Shop Guy with the blue eyes💙

Cheesy I know, but i don't care, I love it (cue icona pop)

I watch as Luke laughs at my sign and takes a picture of me with it

After our performance, we go backstage and change out of our dance uniform.

I meet Carly at the exit and she leads me to the rest of the boys

"Hey there Coffee Shop Guy with Blue eyes" I giggle as Luke wraps me in a hug

"Hey there Dylan" he chuckles and looks at my banner that I had given to Carly to hold

"Picturesss" Carly squeals and hands me the poster

Luke picks me up bridal style and I hold the sign in front of us while he places a passionate kiss to my lips

Carly snaps a few pictures and we admire them after.

"Shit I'm supposed to be getting into my cap and gown right now, later guys" I rush and press a quick kiss to Luke's cheek before running across the courtyard and into the auditorium

I can hear Luke's laugh behind me, probably laughing at how fast I ran.

I rush and get into my dress. It's a light blue gown with black heels and I get my hair and makeup done by one of the girls there and then I slip into my cap and gown

"Graduating with Honors, Dylan Mason" Mrs McAllen calls out and the room erupts in cheers

"THATS MY BABY GIRL" I hear Luke scream and I blush and walk over to receive my diploma

after I leave the stage, the hush calling names and we get to throw our caps into the air.

I laugh and scream my head off as I run through the crowd just to find the love of my life

Once I spot him, I take off full speed running and jump onto his back with the biggest smile on my face

"I DID IT" I scream and he flinches from my volume but smiles and sets me down on the ground

" you did it babe" he smiles and hugs me tightly

Carly once again takes our picture and I can't stop smiling

"Ryyyyy" I smile and walk over to my brother

"I'm not crying I swear" he sniffles and i giggle and wrap him into a hug

Once I have taken pictures with all the boys, we head out to my dorm room. I have everything packed and ready to go back to Australia.


A few hours later, we are on a plane back to Australia and I could cry I am so happy

"I love you " I smile at my amazing boyfriend

"And I love you" he grins and kisses me

After our 22 hour flight we finally reach Australia and I can't keep from smiling

"I have a surprise for you back at the apartment Babe" Luke says softly as we exit the plane and I squeal.

The car ride back is filled with me talking about how exciting it is to be back.

Carly and I settle my stuff into the apartment and then her and the others leave me and Luke alone.

Now, Dylan. You are the light of my life and everything to me and I want the best for you, and I'm the best so...." He smirks and my heart beat picks up

"Would do me the honor... To Netflix and chill with me?" He grins playfully

"Luke!!!" I laugh and hit his arm

" alright kidding but on a serious note, I love you so much and I'm not very good with words, so I'll just ask you.." He says dropping on one knee

Oh my god

"Will you marry me" he asks, pulling out a black box and opening it to reveal a beautiful ring

I am unable to speak so I jump up and down and squeal

"That's a yes?" He chuckles and I nod and jump around squeaking

"Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god " I repeat and jump into his arms after he places the ring on my finger

"We've been through hell and back together so I can't promise you that it will be perfect but I'll make sure that you are always happy" he rambles

"Just shut up and kiss me idiot" I squeal and attack his lips with mine

"I love you so fucking much" he mumbles and I grin into the kiss

"I love you Luke" I mumble

It's true

I fell for the Coffee Shop Guy with Blue

I guess you can say it was Coffee Shop Love








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