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(A/N) Up top is two things. One is a picture of what Dylan's dress looks like, and two, is a link to a song that I think you all have heard before but it fits this chapter so well so please if you could have it on repeat the whole chapter that would be great :)

Now enjoy

Dylan's POV

Looking in the mirror, looking at the girl staring back at me, I can't help but smile. My makeup is half done and I look like the walking dead with the bags under my eyes but the fact that I'm going to be marrying Luke today, makes me giddy inside. I have dreamt of a perfect wedding my whole childhood and its finally happening in a matter of hours. The amount if love I have for Luke is indescribable. I can't believe I'm tying myself down to this amazing man today. The cutie with blue eyes from the coffee shop.

I have waited one year for this day. the day I fully give myself to Luke Robert Hemmings. The anxiety I have about today is worse than I have ever experienced. Many nights I have spent awake with Carly imagining what this day would be like. I had my classic fairytale wedding planned out. Although people may say fairy tales don't come true, they do. I never really believed that when I was younger. That was until I came across Luke Hemmings. he has made me the happiest I have ever been, and I am glad to be sharing this day with him.

" Dylan sit still or else I'm going to poke your eye out with this mascara wand!!" Carly groaned as I fidgeted in my seat, watching the seconds tick by.
Carly had begged and begged me to let her do my makeup and hair the day of the wedding and I reluctantly agreed. only because I know she has massive skills. she has the skill to make me look like a drag queen; or she can make me look like a princess like she did on my many dates with Luke.

I had also invited Rose, Shay, in Marcel to the wedding. Shay and Marcel will be coming later. Rose and Carly are the ones I had permitted to accompany me with my hair and makeup for the day. Carly is doing my makeup and Rose will take care of my hair. I had strictly told both of them I didn't want to go over the top. Carly is doing light makeup. Consisting of mascara, eyeliner, foundation, eye shadow, and light pink lipstick.

For hair I told Rose I would like a waterfall braid. I don't want too much makeup or hair accessories because I will feel too restricted and I know I will end up crying at one point tonight so I do not want too much makeup to be ruined haha.

" Dylan Mason, for the last time sit still or I will burn you with Rose's curling iron damn it" Carly snaps and I give in and let her finish my makeup. The wedding does not start for another 45 minutes so there is really no need to rush. I had clearly allotted enough time for hair and makeup and getting me into my dress. my dress, ahhhh I made sure it was the perfect one for me. its like a big princess gown. it has one, off the shoulder sleeve, leaving my one arm bare. its slim fitting on the torso, then it cascades down into a bigger puff at the bottom . it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. My shoes are just white 5 inch high heels, same as my bridesmaid's. Carly and Rose and Shay are my only bridesmaids due to the fact that I don't know many females. Luke, on the other hand made Ben, Jack, Ashton, Calum, and Michael his groomsmen. Ryan is going to Step in for my father, and walk me down the aisle today.

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