Part 19

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Luke's POV:

i knew the second i looked at the caller ID that something was wrong. Dylan wouldnt call me at 1AM unless something was seriously wrong

holding her in my arms, her soft breath on my neck as she sleeps, her lips turned up in a small smile, the way our legs entertwine perfectly with mine, feels amazing.

I dont wanna sound arrogant but when she called asking for my help, above anyone else she coulc have called, made my heart swell. I like this girl more than i will ever be able to understand.

Shes intruiging, funny, witty, vivacious, creative, thoughtful, and much more. i could go on and on about how much i care for her. its crazy how much i adore the girl that walked into my life literally a month and a half ago.

Something about her just makes me smile, when i hear her name i find myself daydreaming of what she's doing and if shes okay. Shes the best thing that has happened to me since Tiffany and I cant thank her enough for filling the empty void that is my life. For giving everyday a meaning. For being my sunshine on my stormiest days.

Im not the easiest person to be friends with, believe me, yet she tolerates me. I can be an asshole, yet she forgives me.

She doesnt really know alot about me, yet she knows more about me than any girl.

I have had a pretty fucked up life, im not who everyone makes me out to be. Im moody, i get mad quickly and i tend to lash out at those closest to me. That is me. im not the perfect boy that people think i am. sometimes you have to hide your feelings for the sake of others, thats what i do.

Dylan, she makes me want to be open, express myself, the real Lue Robert Hemmings. She is breaking down my walls and she isnt even trying. I can go on and on about how obsessed i am about the beautiful girl that is asleep in my arms.

i seriously think i am falling for her, i just dont wanna get hurt if i fall too quickly


i snap out of my thoughts and look down and see that Dylan is awake, wiping the sleep from her beautiful eyes

"yes love?" i ask

"did you sleep at all?" she asks

"no, i wasnt tired" i shrug and she nods 

"do you want to talk about last night?" i ask quietly and she sighs and nods

she sits up and sits criss-cross across from me

""well you know that we went to a frat party, so i'll skip to the bad" she begins and i nod

she takes a deep breath and continues "i had a few too many drinks, i lost count after 6. I lost Carly and went looking for her, failing i laid down in an empty room. well, i forgot to lock the door, and--uh" she pauses, getting choked up

"you dont have to go on Dylan, i get it" i stress and she shakes her head

"i need to get this out" she huffs and runs her hand through hair

"a drunk boy came in, i dont know who it was, never saw the kid before in my life. He said some stuff and i got up and tried to leave, he didnt like that." she goes on

"oh god" i mutter and she nods

"he- he did some stuff to me with his fingers, which i protested and yelled for help, which didnt do much. He tried to do other bad stuff with his... anaconda, but someone stopped him before he could, i got away after that"  she finishes

"Dylan, sweetheart, im so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry" i soothe and crawl over to her and rub her back as tears trail down her face

"im just glad its over" she breathes and i nod

"i wont let that ever happen to you again my sweet girl" i whisper and press my lips to her temple she nods and leans into my chest

i rub her back and comfort her all morning, convincing her that i will do whatever it takes to protect her.

and i mean every damn word

Dylan's POV

"Do you wanna go home?" Luke asks me after a few minutes and i shrug

"do you wanna stay here?" he asks and i shrug again

"Dylan, talk to me love" he pleads and i shrug

"Dylan." he says sternly

"i wanna stay, but Carly is probably worried" i mutter

"you can stay, i can call her" he explains and i nod

he grabs my phone and walks into the bathroom, while i sit there and twiddle my thumbs

Last night fucked me up.

i feel like an empty shell, like someone scooped my soul out of my body. Although that boy didnt rape me, he did molest me in a way and that terrifies me

Luke walks in and informs me that Carly has gotten home safetly and she knows im here

"do you want some tylenol?" he asks and i nod

i hadnt realize i had a headache until now, i was too busy reliving last nights events

Luke feeds me the tylenol and puts my dress in the washer

"you can shower if you want" he says quietly and i nod again, not really feeling like talking

i step into the hot water and feel the burn on my skin

i scrub and scrub, wanting the boys scent and everything off me.

i get out and see Luke has left me another pair of his clothes to wear, which i slip on and walk into his room

i lay on the bed and pick at my nail polish

I feel like a whore, like i could have stopped that boy from doing what he did to me, i feel so dirty and ugly, like he took my sense of confidence, he took my pride, he took my sense of security

He took from me, my life

i never wanna leave this bed, buit i have to, because its not my bed.

everything i think about just makes me think of what a whore i am, i could have stopped that boy, its my fauit, i have no right to claim pity when i couldve stopped it from happening.

im such a whore, why does Luke even like me, i dont even like me.



emotional asf

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