Part 18

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Luke's POV:

The next day, Dylan shows up to work, looking tired as ever. Her dark brown hair is in a messy bun, there are bags under eyes, and she groans and lays her head down on the counter as i walk in

But to me, she still looks like a godess.

"Hey, are you alright?" i ask and walk over 

"im fine, just exhausted and worn out" she whines and i nod and rub her shoulders

"im sorry" i say and she smiles gratefully

"its not your fault, its my stupid brothers" she groans

"oh, what did he do?" i ask

"he wants me to start college" she huffs

"and....?" i ask

"i dont wanna go to college just yet, i want to enjoy life for the time being" she explains and i nod

"sorry for whining he can just get on my nerves" she smiles

"its okay" i smile

i dont mind her venting to me, i actually enjoy it, it shows she trusts me.

The day goes by pretty slow, and we clock out early due to the lack of customers

"wanna hang out?" i offer and she shakes her head

"i would love to, but i cant, i promised my brother i would hang out with him, maybe tomorrow?" she smiles sadly 

"uhm yeah sure, we can catch a movie or something, bye Dylan" i smile and kiss her cheeck before we turn our seperate ways.

i get back to the apartment and the boys are all out at dinner so im here alone. i make myself dinner and watch tv to pass the time.

Dylan's pov:

I walk up to my apartment and head inside, i need to call Ryan and see when he wants to hang out later.

"Hey look whos home!" Carly cheers as i walk into the kitchen and make myself hot cocoa even though its only 50 degrees outside.

"hey chica" i greet her as she sits at the table and watches me

"can i help you?" i ask nervously

"hows Luke?" she asks and wiggles her eyebrows

"hes good, why do you ask?" i question

"no reason, just trying to make conversation" she shrugs and i nod

we sit on the couch while i call Ryan, which of course, it goes to voicemail.

he never answers his goddamn phone for the love of christ.

"We should order some pizza" i suggest and she nods

i grab my wallet and give her my debit card while she dials the pizzeria's number on her phone

i call Ryan again and leave a voicemail, telling him to call me back and i hang up.

The pizza arrivves half an hour later and we devour it.

"so what should we do tonight?" i ask

"well, theres a frat party being thrown by my friend's fraternity, we could go?" she offers and my eyes get big

"im not in college though" i exclaim

"so? you'll be my guest, and no one even knows half the people at a frat party anyways" she shrugs

"what would i even wear?" i whine

"i have some clothes you could wear" she smiles wickedly and i gulp

Coffee Shop Love (Luke Hemmings Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang