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Three Months Later

"Wait, wait, don't set the timer yet," Jin yelled towards Taehyung as he tried making sure Nari was sitting properly in front of Minji.

Nari got up and ran away, laughing before Jin could catch her to put her to sit back down in front of her sister.

"I think we should change the way we take these, I will sit with Nari, and you and Minji sit together, or else we are never going to get her to stay still."

Jin sighed and nodded his head in agreement with Taehyung; he just wanted the pictures done and over with. They were supposed to be making s'mores, but with Nari constant moving around, the pictures were taking a lot longer, and Taehyung was adamant about getting photos taken for their holiday cards.

"Minji, come, sweetie, let's sit together and wait for those two to be ready because I think if I chase after your sister anymore, I will end up giving birth tonight." Jin wrapped his arms around Minji and pulled her closer to him as he stayed seated, waiting for Taehyung and Nari to get seated.

Minji laughs out loud and looks at Jin when Taehyung returned to the room with Nari in his arms, who was almost hanging upside down.

"I want my juice." Nari let out and attempted to pull her father's hand apart.

"After we take the picture, baby, you can have juice." Taehyung, click the camera timer, and hurried towards where Jin and Minji were. Taking a seat, he placed Nari in front of him and leaned his head on Jin's shoulder. "Nari, baby, please smile."

"Like this?" Nari asked her father while smiling, but he couldn't see her face. The camera shutter went off, snapping several photos of the family.

Minji was the first to stand and helped her Appa up, with Taehyung assisting as he pushed Jin to stand.

"I am getting old." Jin groans and rests his hand on his lower back.

Minji shook her head, "no, you are not Appa, you are pregnant. When babies are born, you won't feel old anymore."

Jin looked at her and smiled, "you think so?"

"I know so; my Appa is not old. Everyone at school said they wish they had a parent like you, handsome and kind."

"What about me?" Taehyung stood up with Nari sitting on his shoulders and playing in his hair.

Minji looks at Jin and then at Taehyung, "umm, Appa, can we do S'mores now?"

Jin chuckled at the look on Taehyung's face and reached out to hold Minji's hand, "sure, baby, let us go."

"Hold up, the two of you come back here. Nari, did you see that?"

"No," Nari responded and rubbed her hand through Taehyung's hair, making a mess of it.

Taehyung could hear Jin and Minji laughing as they walked and left him; he could also hear some mumbling. They always had their way of shutting him out. Thankfully he had Nari though who seemed to like him. She stuck around him more than Minji, but she also loved her Appa a whole lot, so he didn't know. Maybe his son's, they would like him and keep secrets with him like how Minji and Jin does.

Although he doubts it would be possible, Jin and Minji had created something special between the two of them that was not easy to duplicate. He, at times, felt Jin loved Minji way more than him, but he was okay with it, and wouldn't have it any other way, because he made his daughter very happy and not once did she ever feel like she was left out with anything, even after Nari was born.

If anything, Taehyung thinks Nari would be the one to grow up and say her Appa favors Minji more. Taehyung would probably agree that he favors Minji more than anyone else, even though Jin would never admit it and claims he loves everyone in their household equally.

Of course, Minji agreed with him and said it was true, her Appa cares and loves everyone equally. Meanwhile, she was the only one who got secret adventures with Jin.


Minji was sitting up on her sleeping bag and looking over at her Appa and sister. They were sleeping on the blowup bed her dad had set up for them in the den by the fireplace. She then looked at her dad, who was sleeping on his sleeping bag next to the blowup bed and wiped her tears.

It wasn't sad tears, but happy tears for her. Everything she had ever wanted was had come through for her. She had a normal family, one she used to hear her others talk about. Since having Jin in her life, she was no longer the little girl who didn't have an Appa or have a father who didn't care.

She had found someone who not only loves her but gave her undying attention. Took care of her, fought for her, and made her happy.

There were times she was afraid and thought life had been unfair to her, especially when Jin was no longer her babysitter, but then he came back through her efforts, and it made her happy again.

This led to her father and him getting together; the best thing to ever happen. As she was getting older, she was beginning to appreciate all the moments that she witnessed, although some weren't great, she was thankful for them because they led to all the moments she now treasured and looked forward to.

Her dad wasn't only focused on work anymore. He now focused on her, Jin, and her sister, even her baby brothers, who were not born yet. He was loving and caring, he listened, and he played around with her and her sister a lot.

Jin, made everything easy for her, she never once felt like a stepchild, but always felt as though she was his daughter. He kept up with everything when it came to her, and he was always there.

Minji jumped slightly in surprise when she felt someone arms on her, "why isn't my baby sleeping."

Jin took his time and sat next to her, pulling her closer to him. "Are you crying?"

"It's good tears," Minji whispered as she leaned her head on his stomach.


"Yes, I am just happy. Happy that we are a family and, most importantly, that you are apart of my family."

"Aww, baby, I am happy too." Jin leans down and kisses her temple as he runs his finger through her hair.

The two stayed like that until Minji fell asleep, but no before she whispered and "I love you" to Jin.

Due to the position they were in, Jin didn't want to get up and wake her, so he leaned back on the sofa and continue stroking his hand through her hair.

Taehyung woke up in surprise when Nari rolled off the bed onto him, which was the main reason why he was laying there, Nari was famous for rolling off beds while sleeping.

Jin covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing as he looked at Taehyung, whose eyes widened.

"Is she still asleep?"

Jin nodded his head, not being able to answer as he couldn't stop laughing.

"This child."


Next chapter concludes this book. 

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