Jimin | Food Poisoning (reupload)

Start from the beginning

Tears streamed down Jimin's face from both the exertion and utter discomfort and fear of one of the members waking up and finding him like this. He retched loudly, more puke splattering onto the sheets. He was scared to move and get the vomit on anything else. He hiccuped, holding his hands away from the mess despite wanting nothing more than to wrap them around his twisting and aching stomach.


A small voice sounded from behind him. Jimin didn't need to turn around to know it was Jungkook, coming in from the back room. Sobbing weakly, he buried his face in his hands as the worried maknae approached him,
"Are you okay, hyung?" Jimin cried with a slight slur in his voice.
"Mgh... my tummy hurts, I've... I've been sick everywhere an'- and it's on my shirt, is' gross, Kookie-"

Jungkook stood on his toes to get a full assessment of the damage to the sheets. He saw Jimin's shaking frame, covered in vomit from his neckline to his waist. His hands were held out helplessly and he was crying quietly. Jungkook climbed up the ladder a few rungs (if you know you know. Yes I'm talking to you) and pulled Jimin gently by the arm, whispering to him,
"Let's get you to the bathroom to wash up, hyung." Jimin nodded feebly and weakly withdrew his legs from under the sheets, climbing down the ladder with Jungkook's supportive hands under his ass.

Once he was on the floor again Jungkook led the blushing singer to the stall bathroom for a shower. Now, keep in mind that this bathroom was about the size of two adjacent porta potties; one half was the shower stall with a tiny sink attached to the wall in one corner, the other half was a toilet and just enough room for someone to stand. The shower could barely fit two people, but Jungkook was stubborn and wanted to stay close to Jimin and help him get clean.

Jungkook stood in the small floor space and lifted Jimin into the shower stall. He started taking off Jimin's clothes, careful not to get any of the vomit anywhere. He peeled Jimin's sweaty, soiled t-shirt off the trembling boy, and placed it on the closed toilet seat. He did the same with Jimin's pants and boxers, careful not to look, despite having seen it all before by accident. It was polite anyways. Then Jungkook went to remove his skinny jeans that he wanted to avoid getting wet, keeping his t-shirt and boxers on for decency, since he wasn't the one who needed to be cleaned.

Jimin was still crying as Jungkook turned the shower on and carefully ran the sponge over Jimin's feverish skin. Jungkook whispered calmingly to Jimin as he worked his own mildly scented shampoo into the smaller boy's hair. Jimin was stood slightly doubled over for most of the process, one arm on Jungkook's shoulder to support himself and the other wrapping around his stomach. He closed his eyes for a moment to try and stop the nausea that made the room spin.

Jimin's stomach decided that the poor singer hadn't had enough pain yet so Jimin hiccuped and weakly shoved Jungkook's arm away, murmuring,
"Ngh, no- m' gonna-" Jungkook swore under his breath, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it when he saw just how close to puking Jimin looked.

Jimin moaned shakily and tried to turn away, but if he let go of Jungkook he was pretty sure he would collapse, so he was stuck facing him. Jungkook was trying so hard to think of a solution where he didn't get vomit on him, but as he was reassuring Jimin,
"Hey, let's get you to the toilet so you-"

"Ah! Jungkook!" Jimin shouted in pain as his stomach seized up. Vomit passed his lips and drenched the front of Jungkook's t-shirt.

"... O-okay, or that too, I guess,"

Jimin whined as he began to cry harder, covering himself with his arms. Jungkook shushed him gently and let Jimin stand under the shower for a moment on his own whilst he removed his own shirt. Then he carefully helped Jimin step out of the shower and wrapped him in his own thick fluffy towel he had packed. Jimin sobbed into Jungkook's bare chest as he walked him over to the back room.

"Hyung, you're okay now, right?"

Jimin sniffled and replied,
"Hurts..." whilst he gripped onto the towel around him. Jungkook cooed at the older boy and stood up, leaving briefly to get some of Jimin's clothes from his suitcase. He dug around in his messy suitcase for a while, trying to find a comfortable pair of pants without a tight waistband. Then he heard one of the bunks behind him creaking.

"Mmm... Kook, what're you doin'?" Seokjin asked from his bunk. Jungkook turned back to the suitcase and said quickly,
"Jiminie's sick, he puked in one of the bunks and then in the shower. I'm tryna find him new clothes." Seokjin sat up and asked in a gravelly voice, eyes still half shut,
"He puked in the bunk? Is it clean now?" Jungkook shook his head, cursing at himself under his breath for not cleaning it up. Seokjin pulled his blanket off himself and mumbled,
"M'kay, don't worry about the bunk, I'll clean it. Go see Jimin,"

Jungkook thanked him and took the new clothes to the back room. He closed the sliding door behind them and turned to see Jimin lay on his side, the towel barely covering his... lower regions. Jungkook put a hand on Jimin's shoulder, feeling how hot the boy's skin felt. He whispered,
"Hyung, I've got some clothes for you." Jimin curled up tighter and held onto the hand that Jungkook had on him, thinking he was a pillow or something. Jungkook chuckled and said again, louder this time,
"Jiminie, I've got you something to wear."

"Mm?" Jimin whined, brows furrowing in pain as he woke up from the blissful, comfortable sleep he was in. Jungkook helped him sit up and gently pulled the towel down so it bunched up at his crotch, still covering him whilst he helped the elder into the black t-shirt he had picked out. Jimin's head dropped again as he dozed off again. Jungkook smiled fondly at the sleepy boy. He helped Jimin stand up, but it didn't go well as Jimin had a dizzy spell and had to hold onto Jungkook tightly to prevent himself from falling.

"M- dizzy, Jungkookie..." he whined, causing Jungkook's heart to crack a little bit more. He hated for Jimin to be in so much pain. He held the towel up and asked Jimin,
"Do you need help putting boxers on, hyungie?" Jimin just hummed in confusion, barely hearing the question. Jungkook concluded that that was a 'yes'.

He put Jimin's legs through the holes without much input from Jimin, as the boy leaned against Jungkook's shoulder. He pulled the boxers up and thanked the lords that he didn't see or touch anything inappropriate by accident. He decided against giving Jimin the pants he had picked out since his skin was so hot. He let Jimin lie down again and lay down behind him, pulling one of the many blankets over them both. He placed a gentle kiss on Jimin's hair, asking softly,
"Where do you want me to rub, hyung?"

Jimin curled up a little more and said in the tiniest voice Jungkook had ever heard,
"Tummy rubs, please?" Jungkook's heart actually shattered into a million pieces. He sneaked a hand under Jimin's t-shirt and rubbed the soft skin up and down, feeling Jimin's body become lethargic rather than tense. Jimin hummed in content and slowly let himself fall asleep. Jungkook continued to draw little patterns into Jimin's little tummy <3.

Okay I'm crying now so I'm gonna end it here.

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