21 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"Okay I deserved that"

"Yeah you did" I said

"So what I'm back though"

"And you just come and go, how the hell did you go to London and get back already" I said

"Private planes are a lot faster" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Come on I'll drop you off home"

"I have a car" I said

"Too has you have two flat tyres" he said and I walked over to it and saw slashed in them

"I'm going to shoot you" I said and he laughed

"Come on sweetheart" he said and I sat in his car

"21 questions?" I asked and he nodded

"Why were you in London then"

"Business, you already know" he said

"Favourite memory as a kid" he asked me

"Christmas" I said laughing

"Why" he asked

"I remember my parents would both dress up like every Christmas was their last, dad in his fix, mum in her blingy dress and me just waking up in my pyjamas opening presents Marked "from mum and dad" when dad literally had no idea what was in them and just went along" I said and he chuckled

"Then what, stopped doing all of that?" He asked

"Don't worry about it" I said as he pulled up and I got out

"Thank you and Please fix my car, don't slash my tyres" I said

"Don't worry sweetheart" he said driving off and my mum ran out

"Was that Rio Montana"

"Yeah he goes to my college why?" I said confused as to where the hell she came from

"You will NOT hang around him, you hear me young lady"

Oh if only you knew

"Hey he just gave me a drive I got a flat tyre calm down" I said

"NO he is a bad influence, and will be on your grades"

"Dad chill the hell out it was one drive it's not like I hooked up with him" I said and just then


"What the fuck" I said

"Do not use foul language with me, get the hell upstairs"

"This was the reason why i chose a college so far away" I said and Beth walked in the house and I ran upstairs

"Hey hey" she said walking in after me and I told her everything that happened

"God no offence but this was also a reason why I didn't want her near Natalie, worst influence ever" she said

"I didn't even want them here" I said and she hugged me

They are toxic

"I'll send natalies to her dad for a bit, stay here" she said and went to call natalies dad and a few minutes later she walked in

"You can go, you know. Just get some air for now" she said and opened my window

"I've seen you sneak out, now go"

"I don't have a car" I said

"Go to Hayley's, isn't she a few blocks away" she said and I nodded and headed out of the window and ran towards Hayley's house

I can't believe he just slapped me

As I made my way towards Hayley's house I got a phone call and I answered it

"where are you" I heard Rio say, his tone sort of angry

"Going to Hayley's why" I said

"What street"

"Pondicherry" I said and he hung up

Do I walk or ?

I kept walking and a few minutes later a black BWM pulled up next to me and he rolled down the window

"Get in"

"Where are we going" I said

"Just get in" he said and I rolled my eyes and sat in his car and he drove off

20 minutes later he pulled up to an oldish house and he took me inside

I walked in to find a ladder with green and red fairy lights, candles around the floor and he put on a blazer

"Seriously a grey blazer with blue jeans" I said and he nodded

"Don't judge, thought I'd make it up to you since you were so pissed off at me" he said and turned around to get us a drink but I walked up to him and just kissed him

God who even does this anymore

"What was that for"

"For this, I mean no one does this anymore" I said and he laughed And took his gun out his pocket and sat it on the table

"What scared of a gun?" He asked

"I think everyone is" I said

"Come on shoot for that bottle there, let's see how your aim is" he said and placed the gun in my hand and I held the bottom and when I was sure I lined it up to the bottle I shot

And I missed

"See it's horrible" I said and he laughed and grabbed the gun and placed it on the table then put his hands on my waist

"I'll teach you"

The Druglord's nerd Where stories live. Discover now