13 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"How'd you know" I said and he slammed his fist on the hood of his car

"Who. Is. He" he said

"Ex" I said

"And why the hell is he snooping around"

"Toxic ex" I said

"Hey Ri- oh no" Troy said walking in

"What the hell did you tell him"

"I told him since you wouldn't tell me"

"And it's none of your business I don't need a babysitter"

"You wouldn't need one if you could just keep him shut" he said

"He followed me here, I told you toxic" I said and he rolled his eyes

"Explain why he's snooping around"

"I don't know" I said

"Deal with him" he said

"I can't, I actually can't deal with him. What'd you want me to do shove a ton of pills into his drinks or shove him into a car and leave him isolated by a crack house" I said And he stared at me like I was crazy

"Here's your cut" he said and gave me my money and I left the garage

"Hey I'm sorry" Troy said

"Whatever" I said

"AND NEXT UP WE HAVE, RIO MONTANAAAAAA" I heard and his car rolled out and the crowd screamed like crazy

Oh damn


They both drove to the race track and the countdown started


As soon as that one dropped they were both off

Speeding and changing lanes each second

Both taking the high or low end and switching trying to block each other

The first lap had gone by in seconds as they drove past me, making my hair blow away and they Noah had seemed to be catching up to Rio quickly

Wait rio can't actually be letting him win

They both drove alongside each other, inches away from the finish line and Rio immediately boosted in front of him and over the line he was

The crowd went crazy and he pulled up in front of me and the crowd circled his car and congratulated him while he walked out

"Deal with him" he said while just looking at me and eyeing me up and down

Basically eye fucking me

"COPS" I heard and I freaked out

Shit I fucking knew it

I was grabbed and sat in a car with Troy and he raced out of the track and soon we lost the cops and he took me home

"Was just trying to help"

"I think you made it worse" I said and got out of the car and headed back into my room and shut the window

"Even with a lock on you cant shut your window huh" he said

"What do you want now"

"Was that your boyfriend I followed him" he said

"Listen, I don't know what you want. But leave before you have to deal with something way worse"

"And what's that princess, your text book on algebra" he said and I smacked him across the face

"Get the hell out of here" I said

"And don't think about coming back"

"Watch your back"

"I'm really scared, oh shiver me timbers darling" I said and he laughed and ran off

I closed the lock and shut my curtains and threw myself into bed



I groaned before getting up and getting myself ready and throwing on whatever I found and headed downstairs

"What happened to you"

"A lack of sleep where's Natalie" I said taking my sandwich and my drink

"At school it's 10 am" She said and I headed outside when I saw Rio's car parked outside my house and I looked around before getting in

"Hey mama, Did you deal with him"

"No" I said

"why not"

"Because he won't fuck off, he's obsessed" I said and he drove us to a bar

"It 10 am" I said

"Come on" he said and we sat down

"What do you want, what'd you drink like a rosè" he said

"You don't know me" I said

"Oh but I do mama" he said and stared into my eyes

"Can we get a bourbon on the rocks" he said and the guy poured me one and I downed it

"So gonna regret that later"

"Live a little sweetheart" he said and I got up

"Oh fuck it" I said getting another one and drinking it

"That's the spirit so about this boyfriend of yours"

"Not my boyfriend" I said

"Looks like I'll be dealing with him" he said

"What'd you mean"

"You'll find out" he said and I saw jack walk out in a waiters costume

"Jack?" I said

"Oh my god, Mia I'm sorry for I done to you and Hayley. God I'm so sorry"

"I thought you were missing, wait I swear you were in school what are you doing here"

"I kidnapped him, taught him a lesson on respect" Rio said

"What" I said

"See you around" he said getting up and walking out of the bar

What the hell

I got Hayley to come pick me up and I told her what happened

"MARRY HIM,  can I have him?" She yelled

"Go for it" I said and she rolled her eyes

"He is backing you, can't you see that"

"I see that he took me to a bar at 10 am and I just want to sleep"

"How about we don't go it's just one lecture I'll get someone to fill us in later" she said

"No we're going I've missed too many"

"Come on don't worry" she said and took me to her house where we saw Emma passed out on her bed sleeping

"Rough night" she said and I nodded and sat down And my phone rang

I picked it up

"Hi miss cazadora, I'm carol from the FBI"

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