8 ~ The Drug-lord's Nerd

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He took his hand off of my mouth and leaned on my wall and I shut my door

"What are you doing here" I asked

"I mean you left this behind" he said holding up my necklace and I grabbed it off of him and tried to clip it on

"Here" he said doing it and I turned around

"So what were you doing" he said

"What do you mean" I asked

"At the warehouse"

"I'm in" I said

"I'm sorry what" he said

"I am in" I said

"Good" he smirked

"I got a job for you then, you just need to drop something off and meet me here. Tonight" he said

"Can't do tonight"

"You don't get to make choices ma, tonight. He wants it dropped off before 12. You got five hours baby girl" he said

"What is it I'm dropping off"

"I got the car parked outside, grey Cadillac. First ones the address, second one is where you meet me with a package he's got in his mail box along with another car keys, which you use to drive to me." He said

"You meet me by half 12 or you're not getting your cut" he said

"I'll try"

"We're not trying, we're here to win bitch" he said and left through the window

I rolled my eyes and searched up the address and found out it was 27 minutes away and from that address where Rio wanted to meet me was 20 minutes away

So I leave at 11, drop the car off by half 11 and meet him by 12

Well I got four hours

Beth will be asleep by ten and Natalie should be as well

So you just got four hours to kill

Just then I got a call from cierra and Hayley and they looked extremely happy


"We're down the road at the Starbucks and we just Rio leave your house. DETAILS" they screamed

"Just got a job for tonight"

"A job as in going to his house and riding him like a pony" cierra said

"Oh my god no" I said and she laughed

"Hey I gotta go" Hayley said

"Is she okay she's been acting weird"

"Yeah I think she's just packing, she has to go to cancun with her parents this weekend so yeah" she said

"I guess that'll occupy her so no more jack" I said and she nodded

We then spent almost 3 hours talking about random stuff: boys, food, clothes, Rio

"Hey I should get some sleep I have an early ass day Tomorrow" she said

"I got a job so I'll see you tomorrow if I don't die" I said

"Seriously be careful"

"Always" she said and we hung up


I slipped on black joggers, a white shirt with a hoodie and some black trainers

I slipped my phone in my pocket as well as the cadilacs keys and when I was sure everyone was asleep I snuck out of the window

I ran across the street and into the Cadillac

I checked the glove boxes for any guns and there were non

Guess I got lucky that time

I drove off quickly before anyone saw me and half an hour later pulled up to the stupid crack house like yesterday

Same old, mouldy and ruined house

Let's do this

Well I don't really have to do anything

I took the keys out of the ignition and made my way towards the mail box where I saw a package , car keys and a note

Leave Cadillacs keys in here with drugs locked in the back

I'm supplying drugs now

God Mia what have you become

I grabbed the keys that were waiting for me and I pressed the unlock button and I heard the sound

I peered around the corner to see a white Range Rover and I jumped in and drove off to the second location when I saw a dagger in my back tyre

"What the hell" I said getting out and taking the dagger out when I heard someone screaming with an axe running towards me

My first instinct was to run but how far would I get with the fucking tyre

I grabbed the knife and held it in my hand

"WALK AWAY" I yelled

"ITS NOT HIM" he yelled and ran off

What the fuck

The location was only 20 minutes

Let's just try and get there

I got back into the car and drove off to the location where I was meant to meet Rio and I parked the car and walked out

"Hey" I heard his deep voice and turned around

"Your here early"

"I almost died by a crazy lunatic, running through the field that was once nice grass with an axe expecting to cut me in pieces because he thought I was you"

"That's why I sent you didn't I" he said and held out his hand and I high fived him

"No the package" he said and I nodded and gave him it and he looked inside and smirked

"Here, 9 grand"

"How am I supposed to get home" I said and he turned around and walked towards me

He stood inches from my face and brushed away some strands of my hair

"You'll figure something out" he said and walked away

"I don't have a car on me"

"Take the range"

"The tyres fucked"

"Well walk" he said and walked away

"I'll drop you off" I heard Troy say behind me and I smiled and got onto his motor bike

"You know how to drive this thing right" I said and he nodded and then dropped me to my house

"That thing needs to be quieter" I said taking off the helmet and climbed the pipe into my room and crashed onto the bed


"MIA, COME DOWN STAIRS RIGHT NOW" I heard as I woke up and looked out my window to see cop cars

I quickly changed my shirt and washed my face and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs

"What's going on"

"Agent miller" he said holding up his badge

"How can I help you?" I said

"Have you seen this man before"

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