
The next morning Jungkook knew better than to leave Jimin alone when he woke up. He stretched his arms and yawned before shaking the younger slightly.

"Minnie it's time to get up." He said gently and Jimins eyes didn't take long to flutter open.

"Hi Jungkook." The older was a bit taken back because he was so used to Jimin in little space or age playing.

"Hi Jimin." He was actually a little anxious. Taking to Jimin when he was completely big was so nerve wracking because they haven't spent much time together like that.

"So about last night.." Jimin started making the older blush furiously.

"Sorry I didn't really know what to do." Jungkook looked away a little embarrassed.

"Oh no! It's totally okay Jungkook. It was so much fun!" Jimin exclaimed and smiled.

"Anytime." Jungkook sheepishly smiled at the ground still embarrassed at the way Jimin was so casual and he was blushing.

"This is like the only time I can think of when I think of you being big." He continued and Jimin smiled but shook his head.

"Actually I was big when we first met but I saw you and got so nervous. When I hurt myself I just slipped right into my little space." Jungkook blushed again finding it so hard to control.

"Oh so you're just as cute big as you are little." The older blushed with his cute bunny smile on display that made Jimins insides flip.

"Haha... I guess." Jimin laughed just as nervous as he started to feel the blush creeping on to his face.

"Breakfast?" He asked the the taller.

"Sure what do you want?" Jungkook asked and the blonde giggled and shook his head again.

"Actually I was going to ask you. What would you like?" Jimin questioned and earned a confused look from the taller.

"Don't I take care of you though?" Jimin giggled again causing Jungkooks blush to spread to the tips of his ears.

"You don't have to when I'm big." Jimin smiled.

"Can I anyways?" The older asked and Jimin just simply nodded. If Jungkook wanted to care for him, Jimin wasn't going to stop him from doing so.

"Then I'll take pancakes. I love pancakes." Jungkook chuckled and poked the youngers fluffy blushed cheek.

"I know you told me." Jimins face reddened more at the contact before they both made their way to the kitchen.


It was coming up on the three day mark since Jungkook has gotten to care for little Jimin and he was starting to miss it. They were having a great time both being in a mature head space though. Taking this time to get to know each other more and learn more about themselves.

Jimin however was starting to feel a bit more stressed than usual. He wanted to put himself into little space to help but he was having trouble.

"Hey Jungkook-ah?" Jimin said cutely already excited about being taken care of.

"What?" He asked uninterested not even looking up from his phone making the younger frown.

"N-Never mind." He stuttered and walked off with his head down and tears in his eyes. If he wasn't little before he definitely was now. Being ignored is possibly one of the worst things you could do to a little. He went back to his room and cried into his blanket on his bed.

"D-Daddy doesn't like Minnie a-anymore." The boy quietly sobbed to his favorite plushie Mr. Cuddles. It took Jungkook an hour to come and check to see if Jimin was okay. The younger hasn't stopped crying or shaking, hadn't moved from his cradled position.

"Jimin what are you-" He started but abruptly stopped and ran to the boy noticing his tears and the way he was shivering.

"Oh- Minnie are you okay?" Jimin shook his head and climbed into the tallers lap biting his face into Jungkooks neck.The older patted his back confused on why he was crying so hard.

"What's the matter baby?" Jimin pulled away and sat on his bed with his head in his knees.

"Please tell daddy what happened. Did I do something." Jungkook pleaded continuing to rub circles on the youngers back.

"Minnie f-feels unwanted. Daddy doesn't l-like Minnie anymore." He sniffled wiping his tears with his sleeve.

"Aw I'm sorry if I ignored you earlier baby. Daddy didn't mean it." He pouted but Jimins didn't even look up.

"Please forgive me baby." Jungkook pleads again hoping Jimin isn't the type to hold grudges.

"Minnie forgives." Jimin climbed his way back
onto the older lap and hugged him tightly. He placed a quick peck on Jungkooks cheek and smiled happily.

"Is kisses okay Daddy?" Jimin asked softly. Jungkook nodded and patted the youngers head.

"Kisses are fine baby." Jungkook replied. However he was starting to get confused about Jimin and his entire situation.

Did the thing they have going on mean that when Jimin was big they were together? Are the dating? Should he ask? Is it too soon?

Jungkooks thoughts were all of the place.

"Is Daddy okay?" Jimin frowned because the older kept zoning out and he was worried something was wrong. Jungkook jumped out of his thoughts and locked eyes with the blonde.

"I'm okay sweetie. What does Minnie wanna do today?" He asked.


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