Chapter 19

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    Raylin walked into the bar, flanked by Siel and Moora. “DRINKS ON ME!” he proclaimed smirking smugly.

    The bar let out a cheer and Raylin plopped down at the bar, his smug smirk unwavering. He smiled at the bartender, “Hello there”.

    She looked at him with disgust before sighing, “You can pay for those drinks right?”

    Raylin’s smug smirk grew, “I caught a Jedi, course I can”.

    The bartender’s eyes widened, “Did you really?”

    Raylin grinned, “Of course I did”.

    The bartender shrugged, “Not the first time I’ve heard that one, now show me the credits for their drinks and tell me what you want to drink?”

    Raylin’s grin vanished and he grumbled as he slapped some credits on the table. He looked around and saw a table full of Twi’lek women eyeing him, and his credits. Raylin stood and slapped Siel and Moora on their shoulders, “I’ll meet you back on the ship,” he laughed and walked over to the table.

    Siel shook his head and Moora looked around, “I’m gonna start bar fight, you game?”

    Siel considered it for a few seconds before shaking his head.

    “Suit yourself,” said Moora. Then she cracked her neck and began looking for someone big.

    But none of them noticed the cloaked figure in the corner, eyes locked on Raylin.

    It was well after midnight and at this hour even many of the shops that opened at night were closing their doors. Tyvral walked through the docking bay eyeing ships until he saw a KR-TB Doomtreader. He typed in the code and the ramp slowly lowered. Tyvral leapt up and slid down the ramp. He pressed the button to close it and began crawling through the ship. At this hour they were all asleep. He climbed up the ladder to the second level, the living area. He walked past furniture where he had eaten with them, talked with them, laughed with them, trusted them.

    He was nearly to their rooms when suddenly something fell on him. Tyvral was slammed to the ground and he was held down by booted feet. The barrel of a blaster pressed into the back of his head. Tyvral closed his eyes. Then the weight on his back was gone. Tyvral leapt to his feet and spun around. Siel nodded to Tyvral and began to climb down the ladder.

    Tyvral went to the ladder as well and turned on the ship. He flew the ship into open space then sent it into hyperspace. Finally, he turned everything except the engines and hyperdrive to emergency power. The lights briefly flashed then they turned red.


    Raylin walked out of his room in thrown on clothes and his blaster pistol. Moora came out of her room holding her blaster pistol. “What’s going on?” she asked.

    Raylin looked around cautiously, “I don’t know, let’s wake Siel then head to the armory”.

    Moora nodded and opened Siel’s door. They looked but his bed was empty. The two looked at the empty bed in surprise. The pair crept out and walked to the ladder. Raylin had a blaster so he climbed up first. He peeked his head up and looked around on the third level. “All clear,” he whispered to Moora. Raylin climbed up and began to creep towards the armory. Moora grabbed to ladder to start climbing when the cover slammed down and trembled. It contorted and drove it’s into the floor, locking it. Raylin looked around but there was still nobody there. Moora looked around and saw a cloaked figure examining her coolly.

    Tyvral pulled back his hood and looked at her, “We meet again”.

    Moora peeled back her lips and snarled at Tyvral as she stepped down from the ladder, “So it’s you. Good, I don’t need a blaster to kill you puppy”.

    Tyvral ignored her, “I want to kill two people you’re not one of them. Go to the cargo bay and I won’t hurt you, get in my way and I’ll kill you”.

    Moora chuckled, “This is gonna be fun”. Her claws slid out and she pounced at Tyvral. Tyvral waved his hand and she crashed into the wall.

    “Last warning,” said Tyvral.

    Moora shook herself and jumped to her feet, “Maybe you’ll be a challenge after all”. She grabbed a table and threw it at Tyvral. Tyvral force pushed it and it flew towards her. Moora slapped it aside and swung at Tyvral. Tyvral jumped back and sighed, looked like he’d be killing two people today. Tyvral raised his hand Moora who was charging him was lifted into the air and began to claw at her throat. Her eyes bulged and she tried to speak but could not. Tyvral closed his hand.

    Raylin stood in his armor hidden behind makeshift cover from the furniture. He watched the ladder cover. There was a loud thud from the second level then he heard footsteps moving towards the ladder. The cover flew off and Raylin watched for anything coming up. Then the ladder cover began to roll on its along the floor. Raylin’s heart began to beat faster as it rolled, and rolled until it was in front of the ladder blocking his view. He heard hands grabbing the rungs of the ladder and began to fire. His blasts could get through the ladder cover eventually he thought franticly. His blasts struck the cover and ricocheted. He instinctively ducked as the blasts hit the wall. When Raylin looked up from his cover standing there was Tyvral. Raylin raised his blasters but Tyvral made a pulling motion and the blasters flew out of Raylin’s hands. Raylin turned to run into the armory. Tyvral force pushed him against the wall and stood in front of him. “We meet again,” said Tyvral.

    Raylin squirmed violently, “If you want your lightsaber take it, it’s in my dresser! Just let me go!” he pleaded.

    “Noted,” said Tyvral. He raised his hand as if to claw Raylin, and slowly pushed his hands towards Raylin.

    Raylin began to scream in pain and felt as long cuts began to form on his skin.

    “I thought you were different, I thought you were a friend, I trusted you. I thought you understood,” said Tyvral, “But your just Dev, just like Kart, just like everybody your nothing but a betrayer!” Tyvral pushed his hand forward more and Raylin’s screams doubled on themselves.

    Suddenly a blast rang out and the screams stopped. Raylin fell to the floor. Tyvral turned around in a daze and saw Siel holding a smoking blaster rifle.

    “He was not a good man, but not even evil men deserve that,” said Siel.

    Tyvral shook himself out of the daze and looked at Raylin, hole in his chest, and a green, wrinkled face. Tyvral knew that should have surprised him, but for some reason, it didn’t. He looked at Siel, “Thank you”.

    “Where do you go?” asked Siel.

    “Alderan, we’re low on fuel. Then Kamino,” said Tyvral a faraway look in his eyes, “Then I’m done with revenge,” he paused, “Then I’m done with everything”.

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