Chapter 13

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    Tyvral looked at the monument numbly. It showed a Jedi and his padawan fighting alongside clone troopers. A plaque on its base read: To the liberators of Sarafel, we are eternally grateful and you will always have friends here

    “They said that she got away,” said Raylin referring to the padawan, Ora Sallin according to the people they had talked to.

    “Inquisitors or purge troopers probably killed her,” said Tyvral calmly, he felt a wave of growing anger rising up in him. At what he did not know but he knew that he hated that statue, he hated the galaxy, he hated the clones! And he hated himself.

    “We can find more Jedi, you gotta know something ‘bout findin’ ‘em,” said Raylin.

    “No,” growled Tyvral his voice quiet yet it carried and cut.

    Raylin flinched, “Well c’mon let’s go, no point in sticken’ round”. He reached out. He grabbed Tyvral’s shoulder.

    Tyvral threw Raylin who flew back and slid along the ground. “Don’t…touch…me,” growled Tyvral his fist clenched. As his fist clenched the sound of screeching metal shrieked through the city. The monument began to crumple like foil.

    Moora and Siel both aimed at Tyvral. “Cool it punk!” yelled Moora.

    Tyvral spun towards and made a pulling motion. Their blasters flew from their hands. Both reached for their pistols. Tyvral held out a hand and both froze their muscles trembling. Tyvral pushed and they fell to their knees. “Shut up, you don’t understand. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS!” roared Tyvral.

    The monument crumbled into a ball of metal shattering. Shrapnel flew through the air. People cried out in fear and pain, one piece slammed into Siel’s arm. None struck Tyvral however, which only made him angrier.

    “Stop!” yelled a stormtrooper.

    Tyvral didn’t how but his lightsaber was in his hand. He activated and hurled it. It struck the stormtrooper who instantly fell to the ground dead. Sirens began to sound out through the city and were echoed by screams. The sound of running stormtroopers began to sound out. Tyvral held out his hand and his lightsaber flew to it, this city would, this planet would burn.

    The first stormtrooper squad arrived and Tyvral leapt forward slashing his lightsaber. They fell smoke coming from their wounds. Tyvral leapt at squad after squad swinging his lightsaber seeing the clones, seeing those who betrayed him, seeing his friends in those emotionless helmets.

    Tyvral panted as silence fell over him. He looked around and saw dozens of stormtrooper bodies. A group of flame troopers surrounded him and Tyvral looked at them, “Don’t,” he snarled.

    They activated their flamethrowers. Tyvral threw out his hands and the flames froze. He let out a roar and the flames flew back at the flame troopers. The flame troopers were blown back and Tyvral fell to a knee. Everything hurt and he not angry, just tired.

    He heard footsteps coming towards him. He turned just in time to see Raylin fire a stun shot at him.

    Tyvral awoke and saw three figures standing in front of him. Two he recognized his heart skipping a beat as he realized who one of them was.

    “You do not wish to surrender his lightsaber?” asked Darth Vader.

    Raylin smirked, “Nah, I think I’ll be keepin’ it as a trophy, thanks for the credits though”.

    Liar! Tyvral tried to scream but his mouth was covered. He tried to raise his hands but they were restrained.

    “My lord,” said the third figure examining Tyvral, “He is awake”.

    All three of them turned to look at Tyvral. “He is strong with the dark side,” said Vader.

    The third figure, who was an inquisitor nodded, “He will turn easily”.

    Tyvral glared at them.

    The inquisitor smiled, “Yes you have much hatred, you will break easily”.

    Tyvral let out muffled yells, his anger mounting by the second.

    “Oh you wish to speak, very well,” said the inquisitor smiling as he pressed a button.

    Tyvral’s mouthpiece moved off and he glared at them, “I won’t break,” he stated fury and determination coursing through him.

    “Oh and why is that?” asked the Grand Inquisitor?

    Tyvral met his yellow eyes, “Because you can’t break what’s already broken”.

Author's Note: So right amount of screwed up or am I making Tyvral an edge lord?

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