Annoucement (Not a hiatus!)

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Ok, so I got ideas for my trilogy (which I've been working on for 8 years) and for a new book. However, it would be very rude to press pause where the story is now. So I won't, yet. Once the Death Star part is concluded I will probably press pause on the story. Might as well say now it's basically going to be a chapter a year (in story year I'll still probably publish daily once I get back to this story) or even more than one year. Until something big happens, then a three or four chapters of that, then epilogue and finished. So it's in the home stretch, I justed wanted to say know so everybody doesn't wonder where I went. Also please don't argue today's been a rough day and I will bite your head off (metaphorically speaking). On that lovely note Antihero out!

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