Chapter 42

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My eyes crack open to a darkened room with the tiniest trail of light coming through the curtains. I rub my eyes and stretch, waking myself enough to notice that I'm in Tyler's room. I look over and see him sleeping peacefully on his stomach. His blanket is draped over his hips exposing his muscular back that is striped in red puffy lines. My brain shoots back to last night, remembering what we had done in the bathroom. Just the thought of it makes me wet all over again.

"Morning beautiful." I hear a groggy voice mumble. I got myself so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed that Tyler had woken up and rolled himself over to face me. I smile when my eyed meet his. "How was your sleep?"

"So good that I don't remember coming to bed." I let a snort out

"Same. I've never slept better. " he smiles up at me. "I have a lot of cleaning to get done before my parents get home later. I better get up" I can hear the dread in his voice.

"I have homework I should probably work on I guess." Snapping back to reality sucks after such a great night.

Tyler lets out a large sigh before lifting himself out of bed. I watch as the sheets leave his body revealing his skin. His underwear hugging low on his hips, revealing just enough to make my mind race again.

"I'm hopping in the shower. Care to join again?" He winks at me before disappearing into his en-suite bathroom.

"As lovely as that invite is, I should probably go. I'll see you Monday?"

"Yea of course babe" he says poking his head out to doorway to give my a kiss goodbye.


Monday morning came too quickly. My alarm woke me from a dead sleep, my groggy eyes fighting to open as I rolled myself out of bed.

I made my way to my bathroom and got myself ready for school. I ran down the stairs and see my brother waiting for me.

"Let's go!" He rushes me. I grab an apply off the counter and run out of the house behind him.

I checked my phone on the way to school. Brett messages me about plans tonight, Tyler sent me a good morning text, and I had received a few emails over night. By the time we got to school majority of the students had already arrived. I noticed Tyler's truck sitting in the full parking lot.

While walking through the doors my phone went off.

Brett: what happened at the party?

Me: what do you mean? You were with me.

Brett: idk everyone's talking about you and what you did to Tyler. What happened?

I look up from my phone as I approach my locker where Tyler is standing waiting for me with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey babe, What's wrong?" I ask as I reach my locker and start fiddling with the lock.

"Hey my girl." Tyler leans down and kisses my forehead. He stands tall and scratches his temple. "Uhm what do you mean?"

"I mean you look like you just found out your cat died. What's up?"

"Oh just stupid girls talking, yknow." He laughs dryly

"What about stupid girls?" I fell my eyes narrow with confusion.

"Nothing really. They're just being girls. Apparently someone sent a photo around of us from the other night and now all the girls are spreading these dumb rumours."

"What photo? What kind of rumours? What are you talking about?" My anxiety starts to act up waiting for an explanation.

"They're just calling you names and stuff I guess, I haven't seen the photo."

"What names?" My anxiety is still rising.

"Babe it doesn't matter." Ty pulls my waist to him. I shove myself off of him and take a step back.

"What are they saying Tyler?" My voice cracks

"Some of them are calling you a slut, gold digger.." his voice trails off before pulling me back to him and finishing his thought "they're just jealous, B"

I feel a lump form in my throat. "What? Why would they say that?" I whisper under my breath.

"I don't know. But hey," he lifts my chin so my eyes are locked with his. "Don't let What they say get to you. I'm used to the rumour mill, all they want is a reaction from you."

"Easy to say when the rumour isn't about you."

"Trust me, B. It'll be fine, just ignore them and ignore the photo. It'll blow over by the end of the week" he reassured me.

"Easy to say when it's not your reputation on the line." I say bluntly. I slam my locker and head to class without another word.

I feel eyes on me as I walk to class with my head down.

"Almost didn't recognize you when you're not hanging off of daddy" Ashley shouted at me as I walked by. God I hate her and her obsession with Tyler. Why can't she just leave me alone.

I walk into class and Find my seat. Brett opens her phone and hands in to me. There's a photo of Tyler and me in the bathroom at the party the other night. Someone really had the nerve to take a photo under the damn door, what kind of obsessed psychopath would do that?!

Funny enough, I have a feeling I know who that psychopath is..

I can't wait for the weekend.

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