Chapter 58

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Tyler and I spent the next few weeks accepting our new normal, which has meant avoiding each other like the plague. It's been confusing and difficult to get used to, but I didn't want him to know about any of my health issues and have him worried. It's better for both of us this way.

I've gone for more tests and biopsies since I ended things with him. I was supposed to start treatment right away but I didn't want anyone at school to know so doctor agreed to postpone until in the summer.

One of Tyler's teammates asked me to prom last week. I hesitantly agreed to go with him, strictly as friends. So here I sit, in a crowded dance hall celebrating the graduating class- even though it's the last thing I want to be doing.

"Hey baby girl, want something to loosen you up?" My date, brad asks. He hands me a slim silver flask.

"Don't ever call me that again."  I say accepting the flask. I need a whole lot than this flask can hold to make me enjoy myself.

"Sorry. Wanna dance?" Brad offers his hand to me.

I am his date, I guess can't ignore him all night. I put my hand in his and follow him to the dance floor. We begin dancing to the slow song that is playing and brad leans into my ear so I can hear him over the music.

"There's an after party at the beach. You in?"

I nod my head in agreement. The word party goes hand in hand with alcohol. Your girl needs all of it.

"Cool. Your brothers hopping in with us" he informs me.

I smile in response. I usually wouldn't love the idea of tanner being with me and a boy, but I couldn't care less about any guy right now. My head has been all over the place since I ended things with Tyler. I try to keep as busy as possible, but I spend most of my spare time trying not to think about what, or who he is doing.

I must admit, seeing him tonight in his tuxedo has me second guessing all of this- especially watching Ashley's hands all over him. Of course he would bring her. I know I did what I did for the right reason, so I'm trying my hardest to keep my composure.


Ever since b ended things between us, I've been a shell of myself. I find myself struggling to enjoy anything at all. I've had girls throwing themselves at me and I can't bring myself to accept any of them. Seeing b walk into the prom tonight sent a shock through my body.

She looks so beautiful, Her black dress cut just above her tailbone leaving her back exposed. Her makeup is done to perfection and her hair curled and cascading past her shoulders.  My god the way her dress is hugging her body could make somebody's heart stop. It feels like it's going to make MY heart stop. But seeing her on someone else's arm made my heart sink, and then burn like it was on fire. I can't stand to see her with someone else.

I agreed to bring Ashley to prom because she's familiar, that is the sole reason. I've known her forever and I'm not afraid to turn her down, but who knows, maybe I should just go for it tonight. I'm going to have to bite the bullet eventually, and after seeing b dancing with brad I need to get my mind off of her somehow. This after party can't come soon enough.

I pull Ashley into me as the slow song ends. And put my mouth to her ear
"Wanna get outta here?"

I feel Ashley's hands glide down my jacket and slip under it, grabbing my belt. "I thought you'd never ask"

Not at all what I meant, but whatever gets us out of this place the fastest. I need a damn drink.

We hop in the limo and head to the beach where the after party is. When we arrive there are a handful of people there already. String lights illuminate the water, fire going, tents and trailers set up along the tree line for people to stay in, and kegs- thank god.

"I'm going to the keg, here's the bag, your change of clothes are in there" I hand Ashley our bag, flip my shoes off and walk to the kegs.

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