Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Krystle's POV:

So here I was, sitting in Alex's car looking out the window watching all the trees pass by. This place really was beautiful, I've always loved nature. The trees were so tall and everything. It was weirdly cool.

Anyways, it was about a half hour drive from my house to the camp site, or whatever this party was at, so Alex insisted on stopping at McDonald's drive-through and getting an ice cream cone. Why? I have no freaking idea.

After about 20 minutes of trying to ignore Alex's awful taste in music, I started thinking about Ethan.
Obviously because I'm a love-struck, crazy ass, weirdo. I mean come on, he's not gay. I have no chance, I need to get over it!

... But I can't.

His eyes... oh my god, his eyes are so beautiful, and his smile, ugh, it's entrancing. His voice is like velvet: deep and smooth.

And don't think I don't notice his effect on the others at school. Wherever he goes everyone's eyes are on him, I mean it's only fitting seeing as he's the freaking quarterback of our football team, but he's also the hottest guy at school. All the girls drool over him and all the guys wish to be him. He's the definition of perfect.

A loud bang awakened me from my thinking and I looked around, realizing we were finally here. Alex was already out of the car, so I'm assuming the bang was the car door.

I got out and looked around, noticing tons of cars around the parking area and some were even parked in the woods. After my little scan-through I looked back at Alex, pleading with my eyes for us to go back home.

I didn't belong here and I know I'll screw myself up with Ethan, the Alex just gave me the "no-way-in-hell" look and walked over to my side, grabbing my arm and pulling me over to where the people were.

We walked over to this big tent thing where all the food and beverages were. There was punch, and I went against my better judgement and actually got some even though it was probably already spiked.

"So, bunny, what should we do? There's that lake over there that a lot of people are at, or we could go over to the big pile of wood... Or... OH MY GOD I SEE HIM," she cried hysterically, totally forgetting everything she was originally saying.

I cringed back, covering my ears. Great everyone was looking at us now.

"Alex you seriously have problems. Who are talking about?" I asked, rubbing my forehead with my index fingers.

She gave me a look that all but screamed "you stupid boy" and, talking very slowly, acting as if I was some child, well I am kind of, but not in that way, she said, "your man, your mister hotty po-totty, your big biscuit, your lovely pumpkin. THE REASON WE'RE HERE."

I giggled a little and looked over at the woods, taking another sip.

"Oh my golly, he's looking at you. Right now... he's literally eye raping you. I bet he's imagining what you look like in the shower," She said grabbing my upper arm and shaking her head towards Ethan.

I turned my head towards the giant fire pit and saw him. We locked eyes and he gave me a sexy grin. I blushed like crazy and gave him a sheepish smile.

As I finally broke my eyes from him I realized Alex was talking to me.

"Oh, sorry, what'd you say?"

"I said that you need to go over there and show him your goods."

"What the freak Alex, no. I'm not doing that." I said, my cheeks reddening even more.

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