Chapter 5

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Pic is Ethan's wolf -->

Chapter 5

Krystle's POV:

I woke up to my crazy best friend shaking my bed. For how little she is, she's pretty strong. I can't say much though, seeing as I'm not even as tall as her.


I just moan/cry and shift a little, not wanting to leave the comfort of my bed.

"Krystle seriously wake up! It's Thursday we only have one more day until the homecoming game! Do you know why everyone loves homecoming?! BECAUSE THE PARTIES ARE THE SHIT. WAKE. UP."

Well fudge. "Fine, fine, I'm up. Sometimes I think your the spawn of Satan," I muttered the last part.

"What was that?" she says.

"Oh, nothing. Actually, why are you here and how did you get into my house? It's 7 in the morning Alex." I say rubbing my fists into my eyes. It's a lot less brutal than it sounds.

She just snorts, and rolls her eyes. "Duh, you guys leave your house key under the mat. I'm not stupid. Now get your ass up and get ready. We have a special day of making Ethan swoon over you."

Did she just say "swoon?" I thought her vocabulary was merely the average cuss words and maybe a couple verbs. "Wow, that was quite an exotic word for you, Alex."

"Shut the hell up, I'm smart."

I just shrug and limply walk to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and fix my hair while Alex goes to my closet and picks out my outfit. I took a shower last night so I don't have to take one this morning, which is nice I guess.

When I finish fixing my hair Alex walks up to me holding a pair of light grey skinnies, a fitting white shirt with a half-way buttoned up warm orange-yellow cardigan, a thin leather choker with a sun charm, two leather bracelets, and my brown ankle boots. Wow, she really does have good taste.

"Thanks boo," I say taking the garments and walking into my bathroom to change.

When I'm finished we walk down the stairs together, Alsx tries to make me trip and fall but fails, and we head to the kitchen to grab an apple and granola bar.

As we walk out the door I notice something odd. I feel a pair of eyes on me, but not in a good way. Last night I couldn't describe, the only thing I could say is that I felt safe. But I didn't right now, it was eerily quiet. I looked back into the woods but nothing was there.

It's nothing, right? I just shrug it off and keep on walking, Alex being oblivious to it all.

Once we get into her car, she speeds out of my driveway and onto the road. It took about 10 minutes to get to school from my house so me and Alex just chatted about tomorrow night.

Apparently there was a party, but why would we go if we're not invited? I don't want to be a party crasher. I guess I'm just lame that way.

"Alex why would we go to some party with sweaty jocks and shitty alcohol? Especially if we're not invited?"

"Oh my dear Krystle, you really don't get it do you? This party is the party of the year. EVERYONE is going to be there. Invites are for chumps," she says mockingly.

"I'd rather be a chump than be arrested," I mutter looking out the window. I don't need anything on my perfect record, I have plans for my future! I don't know what they are yet, but I will have plans!

As we enter the school parking lot and come to a halt in a parking space, I get out and grab my backpack from the back.

Some people stared at me, I mean I am a blue haired boy, but I don't care. I like it, and that's all that matters to me.

When we enter the school through the main doors I head to my locker and grab my books for my first and second hour. Alex's locker is right next to mine. I feel like she might have bribed the desk lady in the main office. I don't know whats going on between them and I don't want to.

When Alex's finally ready to head to class I turn around and walk right into a hard chest. I knew who it was the moment we touched... Ethan.

Tingles shot right through my body, and a shiver went down my spine. Shyly, I brought my head up only to gaze in his beautiful eyes.

We stood there, just looking at each other, before Alex interrupted our moment. "Ahem. Sorry lover boy but you cannot have my Krystle today. We have important things to discuss. Now shoo!"

"Alex!," I say, blushing madly. Why would she do that! He's probably not even gay! Ethan just laughs and puts his hands up in a defense stance.

"Sorry, Alex. Didn't mean to interrupt whatever was going on. But in my defense, he did run into me," he says glancing at me.

I blush even more and stutter, "S-sorry I didn't mean to."

He just laughs, his voice vibrating the hallway until he speaks up, "It's okay Krystle I was walking up to you anyway. I was wondering if you'd like to go to a party tomorrow? My friend Zekial is planning it. It'll be out in the woods near the Groveville river. There will be a huge bonfire and it'd be great if you were there. And you too Alex, you both should come."

I didn't know what to say. Ethan Abhay just invited me to his party, well, his friends party, but whatever. The point is he asked me!

"U-uhm, yeah... that'd,... that'd," I couldn't seem to form a sentence. He was looking at me so intensely, never leaving my view.

Alex, my savior, decides to come to my rescue. "He'd love to, and I would too. Thanks for inviting us, what time tomorrow?"

Never leaving my gaze, he says, "Around 9 or 10 would be good. The party's going to last all night, so everyone's camping. You should bring a tent and some camping gear. If you don't have a tent we could share mine."

Seeing as Alex is now the main speaker, I just stand back and look between the two, however Ethan seems to never look at Alex when she talks, only me. I'm probably imagining that though, I'm never the center of attention.

"Yeah, that'd be great! Neither me or Krystle have a tent, so would it be alright if we shared? I don't know how large your tent is, so we could just sleep in my car if you don't have enough room," Alex says cheekily, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Ethan either ignores her sudden creepiness, or doesn't seem to notice it, because he just grins showing his pearly whites. "No my tent should fit all of us. It'll be great! I can't wait to see you there," he says, looking straight at me.

I blush and smile timidly while nodding. There is no way I'll be able to make it through the night in a tent with Ethan. This is bad, really, really bad.

"THIS IS SO GOOD," she screams when Ethan walks into our first hour.

"How is this good Alex?!" I whisper-yell at her.

"Hey, don't get all sassy on me! I just got you a night of frisky fun with Mr. Hotty over there!" She says, pointing in the direction of our home room.

"Alex I can't do this! I'll mess everything up. I'll say something offensive, or freaking give him the wrong impression. How do you know he's even gay?" I ask her, looking around the hallway and settling my eyes down on my neon shoes.

"Oh, trust me. He is gay. My gaydar is always right. Just trust me on this Krystle! I will get you your man," she says, walking into the classroom, leaving me stunned in the hallway.

Wait a minute... SHE OWNS A TENT. Ugh, this girl will be the death of me.



I'm on a roll 😏

Winter's Howl (boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora