Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Krystle's POV:

So far the day has been alright. Having Alex in almost every class has been amazing, I don't like being alone and Alex always makes her presence known. I have a feeling we'll be best friends for a very long time.

For some reason I just can't get that Ethan guy out of my head, though. When we locked eyes I felt like he was staring into my soul, into me. Okay, enough with the sappy fluff stuff, he's probably not even gay. Oh right, yeah.

Sooo I'm gay... big shocker. Especially since I was talking about how Ethan was such a 'sex god' earlier. But he is though, like holy fuck. He makes me all hot and bothered just by looking at him.

Alex knows, obviously. When I told her, she didn't care at all. Sometimes I regret telling her though because she's a major fan girl. Like really bad. Horrible. The last time we went to the mall she tried hooking me up with a worker at Hot Topic, and he wasn't even gay. Got to love her...

Anyways, I'm currently in my third hour drawing a picture of a robot riding a unicorn while Alex is poking my leg with her very sharp pencil.

"Hey Krystle, Krystle. Hey, hey Krystle. Hey. Krystle. Krystle, hey. Krystle. OH MY FUCKING GOD KRYSTLE."

"Mrs. Wright! Detention! And no swearing in my class!"

"Awh, fuck." Alex said rather loudly. Our teacher just stared at her like she grew a third arm.

"Sorry, force of habit..."

I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stop myself from laughing.

Luckily, the teacher just turned around and started writing on the chalk board while muttering to herself about our ignorant kids are these days.

"So what did you need that was 'oh so important' for you to get a detention over?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to work on our art project tomorrow night."

"WHAT? When did we get assigned an art project?"

"...Today. Were you not paying attention? I thought you loved art."

"I do! That Ethan guy just kept distracting me and it was really hard to focus. Ugh, I can't believe I missed it."

"Ooooo, so you got a thing for Ethan Abhay?"

"Nooo... Yes... Maybe? No, definitely not. Hell, I don't know."

"Krystle and Ethan sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N- mmph?!" I successfully put my hand over her mouth to muffle her horrible singing. However, it didn't take long until she freaking licked my hand and I screamed like a girl in the middle of class.

Oh golly, this girl will be the death of me...


The bell finally rang at the end of third hour, thank god. Alex literally stabbed me with her pencil because I didn't give her a piece of my gum. Damn that woman!

Anyways, lunch time finally came around and luckily me and Alex have the same lunch so I don't have to sit alone on my first day here.

As we walk in the cafeteria I look around for the line where you can get food. Alex went over to her table because she brought her lunch, which probably would've been a smart idea considering what the school's food looks like...

After a while of looking around at the various foods (at least I think they're food) I just decide on getting some milk and an apple.

When I went over to where Alex was sitting and sat down at the table I noticed there were other people staring at me blankly, probably wondering who I was.

"Hey, you're Krystle right? That's a cool name, man." The guy with curly blonde hair and dark chocolate brown eyes asked.

"Yes, I'm Krystle, and thank you." This guy was pretty handsome. He kind of has the surfer vibe, you know, summer shorts and a beachy-colored tank top with some flip-flops? Definitely the opposite of me, but he was alright to look at.

"Yep, well my names Aaron. Aaron Nall." He said with a cheeky smirk. He is most definitely a flirtatious man. I might have to talk to Alex about that, it might've been just me but I'm pretty sure that was a 'I wouldn't mind taking you into a closet and tearing your clothes off like they were on fire' look.

"Nice to meet you." I said with a blush.

I then turned to a girl that had bright pastel blue hair, tan skin, and an Alt-J shirt on.

"Hello baby cakes. I'm Marcy and you are the cutest person I've ever laid eyes on. Wanna make out?" Well that surprised me. Luckily Alex jumped in and saved me.

"Forget Marcy, she's a bit 'cookoo' in the noggin', if you know what I mean..." Alex said while scarfing down something that looked like potato salad.

After that Marcy and Alex started debating if tomatoes were fruits or vegetables, and of course Aaron stepped in creating a controversy that I stayed away from. I'd rather just silently eat my apple.

I looked outside the window behind my chair and saw that it was beautiful out. I decided that I should explore the school a little bit, especially since our lunch period is 45 minutes long.

"Hey, guys? I think I'm going to go check something out. See you in 5th hour Alex?" I said, hoping they wouldn't come with me. I just wanted to be alone and look at the sky... Oh beautiful sky.

"Yeah, sure. Have fun in fourth hour little bunny" Alex said with a big smile.

I gave her a small smile back and said, "Okay, see you soon."

And then, I was off to the wonders of East Field High's campus. It was pretty big, and the school was situated in a forest so there was nature everywhere you look. The sky was bright blue with a couple pure white clouds floating here and there. I start to become entranced by everything and didn't even notice where I was walking.

Well that problem was solved when something hard hit my head and I fell to the comfy green grass. My vision got kind of blurry so I just laid back for a while and stared at the sky for a couple seconds. Once I was back to normal a face was suddenly above mine with a panicked look...

Oh, fuck. Out of everyone it has to be him.

"Are you alright? I am so sorry! I didn't see you walking, there's not usually anyone outside during lunch."

Why'd it have to be Ethan? I think he took my silence as an 'oh crap my brain's dying' because he picked me up bridal style and took me over to the bleachers on the football field.

Wait? I walked into the football field? Oh my god, I'm an idiot.

I couldn't concentrate on that much, however, because his touch was sending shivers down my spine, kind of like electric shocks.

Wait, that's not normal... oh golly I'm losing it.

"Are you hurt?" He said in a cute and worried way.

I finally mustered up the courage to speak and said, "I don't think so my head just hurts a little bit. I'll be alright, I can't believe I wasn't paying attention and walked into your guys' game."

"No, it's my fault I wasn't really paying attention either, that's why it went so far out..." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"We'll just agree to disagree then" I said trying to lighten the mood and add on a little smile.

He smiled back at me while looking at me with an emotion I couldn't quite get... It looked like... No it couldn't be. No I'm just imagining things. Aren't I?


Chapter three! Woo! Comment and vote!

Until then, bye pumpkins 🙃

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