Chapter 4

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Pic is Alex -->

Chapter 4

Ethan's POV:

You know that feeling you get when you find out you got a new puppy for Christmas and you never wanted to let it go? That's pretty much how I'm feeling right now.

I mean I was just expecting today to be like any other day: boring school work, lectures, and a casual rouge hunt later in the day.

Who wants normal, though? I found my mate! Yeah, there's probably going to be a LOT of complications with it, but ever since I saw him earlier today walking in the classroom, I've never wanted to leave his side.

That's probably why I'm outside his house right now. We're supposed to be hunting for the rouge camp but I'm just here, sitting in the forest behind his house, making sure he's safe.

I feel horrible that he's most likely going to get caught up in all this werewolf drama. Hell, I don't know if he'll even accept me... Oh god. I hope he does. If he doesn't I don't know what I'll do. He's supposed to be my other half.

Suddenly, in my ultimate state of thinking I see something out of the corner of me eye. When I looked up I realized a light was turned on in the house. Judging from the cute blue haired boy walking around inside, I'm guessing it's Krystle's bedroom.

I couldn't help myself but get closer. He was sitting on his window seat, looking up at the full moon. His blues eyes sparkled in the low light. His light complexion magnified in the dim, blue tinted light. His lips slightly open as he gazed across the forest.

My mate was beautiful. He was small, and shy, but I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

When he got up to leave I finally looked at my surroundings. You might be wondering how I know where he lives, well let's just say I know pretty much everything about Groveville. I'm the soon-to-be Alpha of Isceleous Moon, I get access to all information regarding Groveville first, besides my father of course.

Anyway, judging by the running water I hear, he's gotten into the shower.

Oh yeah, did I tell you being a werewolf gives you amazing abilities. My vision, sense of smell, hearing, and athletic abilities (a.k.a running and shit) are all heightened.

It's pretty amazing really, but I'm used to it, and with some of the things that you can encounter with your abilities, you have to be able to control yourself.

I spent a couple hours like that, just standing outside his house on high alert. Making sure nothing dangerous came into contact with him or his mother.

Finally after a while, however, I decided to leave and head home, ready to get a good lecturing in from my father for not helping with the hunt.


Krystle's POV:

Today was very interesting. I became a new kid, locked eyes with the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on, get hit by a football that he threw, then come home feeling a presence, but not in a bad way.

I don't know if I'm crazy or what, but I felt safer when I got home. When my mom and I finished dinner I went up to my room, and now I'm here sitting on my window seat.

I remember always wanting a window seat as a kid. I loved the idea of a second bed, it had to be big enough of course, but I was a kid I wasn't thinking right. After today, though, I couldn't help but notice that Groveville is really growing on me. I'm liking it a lot, especially the scenery.

There's trees everywhere you look, and the sky is always beautiful. My house is basically set between the woods and our neighborhood. I love the trees and the contrast between them and the bright moon.

I couldn't help but think, though, that a certain someone was also growing on me, and his name rhymed with... Uhm, well I don't know what his name rhymes with, but obviously it's Ethan. Gah! I just love saying his name. Ethan Abhay, Ethan Abhay, Ethan Abhay. Does that make me creepy? ... Probably, but whatever.

After a while of staring at the stars from my window seat I got up and took a shower, then got ready to go to bed. It was quite an eventful day after all.

But as I went to bed I realized I couldn't sleep. A certain someone was on my mind and I have no idea why, but I felt something in me, kind of like a warning. It couldn't be because of him... could it?



Sorry this was so short.

Anyways, as always, vote and comment ☺️

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