Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ethan's POV:

Okay... this party needs to be awesome. Krystle is going to be there and I have to impress him. Although technically, it isn't a party. I mean it is, but since I'm the soon-to-be alpha of Iscelous Moon I need to take control of some things, and let's just say we're going on a mass hunt for the rouge camp, and anyone who isn't a werewolf needs to be under our watch. "Our" meaning me, Zekial, and our pack warriors and guards.

The human adults in Groveville will be monitored by our guards. The pack warriors will be guarding our party, and I made sure a couple extra were guarding my mate. I couldn't help it. Groveville a small town, so this works out very easily.

My father will lead the hunt tonight, and my mother will watch over all of our pack's children when everyone is gone.

Right now me and Zekial just have to get everything ready for the party. Zekial called the warriors through our mind link, and I'm planning safe hide outs for the humans if anything goes wrong.

The party will be in a couple hours, and I can't help but think that I'm going to be spending an entire night with my love, my mate.

"Alright man, we need to go down to the store and get food. The party starts at 9, right? We need to get some firewood from the pack shed, then meet the Warriors at the camp," Zeke says with a determined look in his eyes.

He always seems to be very determined and wants what's best for Iscelous Moon. I'm proud that he'll be standing beside me as my beta once I take over as head leader; alpha.

"Yes. I will tell Gustaf to bring his men and meet us at 8:30. We need to get them in position and go over who they will be watching. You can go to the store and get the supplies, I'll speak to my mother and get all the children together and get the wood. Meet me at the camp in half an hour," I say, dominance slipping through my tone.

"Yes, Ethan," he says, giving a small head bow, showing his compliance.

Once he walks off I turn around and head for the pack house. When I got inside I headed for the nursery. Almost all the children are in the nursery or in the school unit.

"Hey, mom. We're going to start the hunt in half an hour. Can you get all the young ones together for me? I need them to be in one place, the headquarters would work fine," I said giving my mom a small smile.

"Of course, honey. Your father and the guards have already left, they plan to start in the Central Woods and head East," she says, eyeing a kid that looks like he's destroying a paper with a crayon.

I nod, understanding perfectly. The Central Woods is just out of our territory, it's a sacred place to Iscelous Moon, that's where our ancestors first inhabited the area. Since the rouge's are most likely in the Eastern direction and away from our territory, my father has decided to head there first.

After getting some wood from the shed I drive over to the camp sight. I decided to check in on the hunt, so I mind linked my father.

Are you guys almost ready to start?

Yes, we're at the Central Woods now. We're getting everyone in position.

Alright. The gathering is going to start in about 20 minutes. Me and Zeke are meeting the Warriors at the campsite. I just have to tell them where each needs to be placed.

Alright, son. Be careful.

I will.

... And that was that. Finally making it to the campsite I saw Zeke was already there. The Warriors had yet to get here, they will most likely be traveling in their wolf form.

We waited a couple minutes before I heard the pounding of paws on the ground about a mile away. They were coming.

Now all we have to do is wait for the party to arrive.


Krystle's POV:

I can't believe this is happening. I'm currently sitting on my window seat, my legs crossed, and watching Alex ravage through my closet like a freaking hyena. Seriously, my clothes are all over the floor.

I rolled my eyes. "Alex, you do realize I'm not picking all this up right?"

She didn't stop raiding through my closet to speak or anything. She was going crazy.

I started tiptoeing towards my door, trying to get away from the psycho and go down to the kitchen and grab a snack. However right when I got to the door it slammed in my face. Damn it!

"Where the hell do you think your cute little bunny ass is going mister?" She said, her crazy eyes squinting at me and her index finger poking at my small, bruising arm.

"I-I... Uhm... Just to get a snack?" I said unsure of myself.

She just locked the door behind my waist and went back to the closet. Ugh, why am I friends with this girl?

While I was sulking in my own pity, sitting on my window seat once again, she came up to me with a big pile of clothes in hand. Seriously... It was huge. "Are you kidding me?"

"Nope. Now go try these on. Pick whichever looks best on you, you have some major seducing to do tonight," she said pushing me towards the bathroom connected to my room.

As she shoved me in I managed to yell, "HE'S PROBABLY NOT EVEN GAY."

After a while of trying on different outfits I settled with black skinny jeans, a red, white, and black button up long-sleeve fitted flannel shirt, a white/grey beanie, and some black vans. I walked out in the outfit only to be stopped by Alex once again.

"No, no, no. Something's missing..." Her finger was tapping her chin slowly, her eyes looking up and down my body. I was slightly uncomfortable to say the least.

"I GOT IT. Put this on," she said, handing me a thin black leather choker with a Celtic triangle charm.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "I don't know about this..."

"Trust me, it'll look great," she said. I just mumbled a whatever and put it on.

With a fast wave of her head and big eyes, I assumed that was a yes, so I turned around and headed for the door.

Next stop... Ethan's party.


I can't wait for the next chapter guys.

Anyways, comment and vote 👈🏻

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