A Dash of Morticia

Start from the beginning

He heaved a sigh and finally tore his eyes away from the words. He smacked his lips together and raised his eyebrows expectantly as he faced her. "I'm looking at you."

Ella took a look back at him. She just couldn't help it as she rolled her eyes and stood up from the couch. "God, you're such a dick sometimes."

"Great, so I guess we're fighting now?" he asked, tossing the manuscript on the coffee table in annoyance.

Ella turned back to him before she could make it to the bedroom, crossing her arms over her floral t-shirt. She huffed out a breath. "Yeah, I guess if that's what it takes to get you to talk to me."

"Okay, Norma Desmond, since apparently we're acting like we don't talk to each other every day, what do you wanna talk about?" He shot her a thin, sardonic smile. "You wanna talk about how you're allowed to get invested in your work but for some reason I'm not?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. For a moment, she thought about apologizing and letting it go. But, then, she realized she didn't know what she would be apologizing for. The gnawing hunger in her stomach after a long day of work did nothing to help her mood, either. She'd come home excited, ready for some dinner and to celebrate her last day of summer camp. And Jess had played the part of the storm cloud over her head once again. She'd had enough of it.

"Y'know what?" she wagered.


"You don't get to do this," she said, shaking her head. "You don't get to act like you wouldn't feel the same way if I was doing this. If I was barely saying a word and being a jackass to everyone and having nightmares almost every single night!"

Jess ran a hand over his mouth and rose from his seat. "Oh, I don't get to, huh?"

"No, you don't!" she said, voice raised. "This thing of ours is a two-way street! You can't shut me out like this!"

He sighed. "Eleanor-"

"Stop it, Jess. Just stop bullshitting me. Just tell me what's really going on."

"Look, I'm sorry if this book thing is bothering you, but I-"

"It's not about the book!" she yelled, cutting him off and throwing her hands at her side in anger. "I know publishing a book takes time, okay? Hell, I've edited the book twice already! But something is up with you! Something's been up with you for months! Just spit it the fuck out!"

"Nothing is up with me!" he countered, matching her volume. His brow was heavy with agitation. "I'm just trying to get the damn book published! What can't you understand about that?!"

She shook her head again. "I am so sick of you making excuses, Jess! Just tell me! If you tell me, I can help you, alright?"

Something passed across his face and Ella could practically see the walls go up around his heart. "You are so much like Luke sometimes."

"What are you talking about?" she asked, exhausted and dejected.

"Maybe I don't have a problem, maybe you have a problem," he said, crossing his own arms defiantly. "Maybe all of this is just so you can ignore how upset you are about what happened at Adam's graduation."

Ella almost took a physical step back, surprised at the accusation. "I'm not upset about that."

"Really?" he scoffed. "Have you called your brother since then? Or Lane? Or anyone in Stars Hollow? Or have you just been too busy here trying to create problems to solve instead of the ones you already have? I mean, just look at your hands! You've barely got any nails left!"

Do You See Her Face? (A Jess Mariano Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now