Authors Note

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Hello everyone. So, I know some of you might skip this, I'm asking you to read it but you don't have to because I can't stop you. I just wanted to say a few things before I began this and then we can go to the story.

1: This is my fourth/fifth book. (I'm publishing this at the same time as another book so yeah fourth/fifth) So I don't have lots of experience as other authors here but I like writing, and it's fun, so here we are.

2:  So, much like Virgil, I have anxiety. I also suffer from other issues but that's a story for another day. Anyway
          A: Anxiety attacks will be written about how I feel them and as realistically as I can. I know other authors tend to water anxiety attacks down since they can be triggering for some audiences but I don't do that. I like to make them realistic for my benefit and for others. 
          B: Like so many others with mental illness I have good days and bad. And there will sometimes be times when I have to take breaks from writing, publishing, or just leave Wattpad altogether. I'll try and always come back and keep an eye on things but I can't guarantee I'll always know when or if I'm coming back. So please be mindful of those things.

3: This story features some heavy subjects. I'm not gonna be blunt, Virgil's past features things like human enslavement. It doesn't go into a lot of detail and we probably won't be seeing any flashback chapters from him this book, but I wanted to give you all a warning. That being said, I do not think this book deserves to be marked as Mature but if you guys disagree (after reading) please let me know and I'll reconsider that choice. I don't want to trigger anybody. 
                  If you guys have read "Welcome To Hell" By Shawny32 (It's a great book and I really enjoyed it) and weren't triggered by that then you should be fine. (At least regarding Virgil's past)

4: I'm awful at art, so if you would like want me to post some of your fan art, just reach out to me. We're all artists here, and artists pull each other up not tear each other down. (Winstermagic made my cover here and I love it and its beautiful and yes)

5: I don't know what time this takes place in. Its kinda all over the place really. There are actual present day stoves but for the most part candles and magic are the primary way of lighting. There arent any cars either but things like filing cabinets and registers exist. So yeah, sorry for the confusion.

6: Sorry for writing this trash and sorry your reading it.

That's it. Authors' notes probably won't be this long again. if I post them it will be at the beginning or end of the story in bold. Here we go

Also, none of these characters belong to me (unless specified). All of them belong to Thomas Sanders so if you don't know who that is then go watch his videos on YouTube right now. (Like right now. Go. Go do it.) Alright, here we go.

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