A Dance at Midnight

Start from the beginning

"Shh, Ed, be quiet."

I relaxed immediately after hearing her voice and she dropped her hand. "Wha-"

She held up a finger to her lips and glared at me, telling me to shut up. I quickly shut my mouth and looked at her questioningly but she only motioned for me to follow her into the small grove of willow trees off the path. Once we stopped in front of the largest willow she bent down to take off her shoes, motioning for me to do the same. I wasn't about to argue so I sat down on the dirt next to her and pulled off my boots.

"Whatever you do, don't say our names." She whispered into my ear.

I nodded and stood, offering her my hand to pull her up. She grinned and took it, not letting go even when she was up. I watched in awe as she held up her hand to touch the hanging leaves, ribbons of magic dancing around her fingers. As the light touched the leaves it rippled across the tree gently, spreading apart the branches in front of us to form a door. Out of it stepped a woman with chocolate-colored skin covered in gold jewelry and clothes.

The woman was beautiful and elegant but had a cold aura. She towered at least a foot taller than me and completely blocked the doorway. She glared down at us then checked our feet and nodded.

"May I have your names?" Her voice sent chills down my spine.

"We would prefer to keep those to ourselves." Y/n smiled calmly at the woman, not at all affected by her cold demeanor.

"Very well," The woman stepped aside and melted into the shadows of the willow tree.

Y/n tugged my hand and led the way past the leaves, the branches closing behind us. My bare feet were cold as they walked on the wet grass that led to a ring of mushrooms at the base of the tree.

"A fairy ring?" I guessed.

Y/n nodded and stopped in front of the ring, taking off her cloak. It was only now that I could see what she was wearing underneath. A long-sleeved linen dress hugged her torso but swayed freely down her legs, allowing lots of movement. From a brown leather satchel that hung from her shoulder, she pulled out a red ribbon.

"Here," She placed it in my hands, "Could you help me tie up my hair while I finish a few things?"

"Sure," I stepped behind her and put the ribbon between my teeth while I collected her hair. Y/n knew this was one of my favorite things to do, her hair was so relaxing to play with. But even though Susan had given me many tutorials, I still couldn't do anything more complicated than a braid, ponytail, or bun. Tonight I instructed my fingers to brush her hair into a simple ponytail, making sure it wasn't too tight. Once I was finished tying the ribbon, I turned to Y/n.

"So what are we doing?"

"What do you know about fairy lore?" She smiled teasingly as she pulled out a couple of wrapped packages from her satchel.

"According to what I've heard, if you step into a fairy ring you will be forced to dance until you go mad or even die."

She hummed in confirmation and I shivered, we weren't really doing that, right?

"Don't worry, Ed." She stood up and held out a now unwrapped package of sugar cubes to me. "What most stories fail to mention is that if you offer the fairies something sweet, they are forbidden to harm you."

"Oh, good." I sighed and took the sugar eagerly.

"Now," She held my hand again and I couldn't help that my heart sped up. "When we step inside the ring, we will be able to exist on the same frequency as the fairies. Don't step out of the ring until they accept our gifts. When we want to come back we have to walk nine times around the circle which will bring us back, but if you walk around it ten times you will be stuck there forever."

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