ChapterVI: My whole life turns upside down

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(Now it's my turn to tell you about how I got my powers. Its Rey again.)

So I was walking through the forest and as I did I took in the sights of everything around me from the warmth of the sunlight to the smell of the oak trees and the soft breeze blowing past me in the process of taking in the scenery I almost forgot about my mission.

Then I got a feeling like someone was watching me so I turned around to see if anyone was but, no-one was there so I thought then a hand touched me and said "hi."

I turned around and saw who it was; it was literally my boyfriend. Daniel "what are you doing here?" I asked confused my boyfriend had dark skin, black hair, wearing a green shirt, and he had brown eyes and his hair .

Then he smiled and said "I come here to this forest alot with my dad. He says he's on official business." I looked at him and asked "oh really what kind of business."

He answered and said "he said he was looking for something some thing of great importance." Then, I don't know how but I got a feeling that I knew who he was talking about so I asked him, "what is your dad's name?"

He looked at me and said "My dad's name is August. Why?" My heart skipped a beat and I started to wonder if the polencher was here.

"We need to go, NOW!" I yelled in fear, grabbed his hand, and started running. "What's going on? Why are we running?" He asked confused then the map began to glow then the temple appeared out of thin air. So I ran inside, grabbed the stone, it glowed, and power.

(you know the rest).

Then the polencher appeared in front of me "Hello Rey I see you found my power I need. Now be a smart girl and hand it over." Smiling lime the scoundrel he is. "I won't hand it over especially to someone like you August."

Daniel gasped in shock and asked in disbelief "dad is that really you?" The polencher answered and said "yes it is and I wanted to tell you that you aren't my real son, I killed your mother and took you as my own to raise you to take my place if I should die not; only that but you are to destroy anyone who stands in my way, but don't worry you'll be in good hands." Daniel was in so much shock he looked like his life just ended.

"No this can't be true." He said wanting to deny it. Then the polencher started laughing evily and said "oh but it is, you are and forever will be my heir to the throne of the shadow realm. Like it or not."

Then the polencher went from his human form back to his shadow form. So I grabbed Daniel's hand again and started running wondering where the hell I should hide. Then I found the perfect spot and hid behind a water fall. I turned to Daniel, seeing how terrified he was I gave him a hug and said, "I can tell you have questions go ahead and ask."

He asked one main question "I want to know what's going on and what happened to my dad." Trying to calm him down I told him everything from the first Sarina war to the stones and how they are connected to my siblings and I.

Then I heard Daniel in pain as he bent over. He started turning black like the polencher but also started growling he looked almost exactly like the polencher before he fully turned he grabbed my arm and yelled "Rey, run get out of here, RUN!"

So I ran again and this time the polencher appeared in front of me ready to attack and formed a giant fire ball in his hand but it was blue fire instead of red and he had a smirk as if to say: I win.

Then he laughed evily and said "It's just like what happened to your father and the way he died. You know what they say like father like daughter." At that moment I didn't know what to do I was shaking, my hands were sweaty, my heart was beating so fast I wanted to pass out, and my mind had nothing but fear.

The Polencher grinned and said "oh look at how scared you are; I mean did Henry really think a couple of kids could beat me, how pathetic. You know you could avoid this fate by handing over the stone and your power."

Only for a second I wanted to, then I remembered what Henry said "geif he gets even one of the domestic world will end." So I gazed up at him and said "you're not getting this stone, ever!" Afterwards he looked at me in anger and said "I thought you were smarter than that, it's sad you have to die the same way your father did."

After that he shot the fire ball at me and in fear I put out my hand and as I did tla gust of wind shot toward it and blew it in the other directionand distracted the polencher so I ran.

The polencher chased after me as I ran the portal opened up with everyone on the other side screaming "COME ON! LET'S GO!" So I jumped and flew straight in. The portal closed as soon as I got through. I was feeling scared and hurt to death but my siblings formed a group hug to reassure me that I'll be ok.

I wanted to cry but instead I turned to Henry and said "what did Daniel turn into? He was as black as the polencher and looked exactly like him." A wave of anger grew over me feeling nothing but anger, hatred, agony, and pain it almost felt like everything I knew was a lie.

Henry looked at me and said "there is a way to save him and change him back but in order to do so we have to defeat the polencher." When he said that I looked up and said, "then we defeat the polencher one way or another," My siblings looked at me concerned, then Joe said breaking the silence "ok now that we are all here why don't we have our guest explain himself." Surprisingly the guest who appeared was our neighbor.

He was tall old and looked about sixty, he was wearing a blue and red plad western shirt, his hair was gray and had a bald spot in the center of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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