ChapterI: The Hunt Begins

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        (So yeah that happened, but let me tell you how we found out what had happened to our parents. I'm Joe)

So we were walking home when suddenly I thought I saw something move in the corner of my eye, "probably nothing," I said to myself, "What?" My sister Rey asked. She was wearing her normal yellow shirt, her ripped jeans she got from the store, black boots, her brown hair was tied in a ponytail, and her dark green eyes looked as if she was worried.

     "Nothing," I lied feeling a chill down my back. My other two siblings Jack and Meg walked beside me. Jack wearing a black T-shirt with black pants looking very depressed asked with a little attitude, "That face usually means something, what happened? You felt it again didn't you?" 

Meg came beside him being the mature one and said, "guys if he says it's nothing it's probably nothing," she had blond hair, brown eyes like Jack, but they were calm and collected, and she was so tall she could even touch the ceiling. Then all of a sudden a loud boom came from around the corner then we all jumped and started running. When we turned the corner while running on the sidewalk we saw from a distance that our house was on fire. When we got there we all stood in shock wondering what happened. Then I saw my neighbor standing in shock as if he saw what happened, but before I could ask him anything he ran. So I just put my focus on the house.

     The flames were so bright the house was literally turned into a living hell on Zarina, but instead of me just staring, I ran inside, as soon as I started running my siblings yelled, "Joe wait," but I didn't listen and ran in anyway. When I got inside I saw our parents dead on the ground and my dad, barely whispering, called me with every breath he could use "Joe is that you?" I knelt down beside him and repeatedly said with tears in my eyes seeing all the scratches and blood spread across his face,"dad I'm right here; I'm right here." He smiled with relief "good your safe, but not for long, you have to find them; son take your brother and sisters and find them,find,find,find the st-" before he could finish he stopped breathing and took his last breath when the fire was out "dad,dad find what, what are we supposed to find,dad, wake up! please, Wake up!"I asked with tears rolling down my cheeks they were cold,painful,and very easy to see.

Afterwards, my siblings ran in and saw what happened and still confused on how and why it happened, I told them what our dad had said then Rey asked, "what do you think he meant by find them, what does he want us to find?" I turned around and looked at her and said "I don't know, but whoever did this is going to pay tenfold for what they have done in the mean time we should head to the park since that has free internet I'm not getting any signal here."

  When we left the house I noticed that my shadow was acting weird so I stopped walking, wondering why my shadow is expanding, then out of my shadow a black figure appeared laughing evily. Like I said he was a black figure with eyes that were so bright they could light up the night sky, he also had beast like claws his hair style was in a Dragonball z style and he had smoke where his feet should be, in other words he was floating.

  I held my hand in front of my siblings and told them to stay back and asked "Who are you and what do you want from us?"

"It's not who I am you should be concerned about; it's what I am that you should know." The figure said with his voice sounding deep and cruel. He spoke again, "I am the one who can conquer anyone in my way; The one who will destroy you if you don't do as I say." "Ok, I'll ask again who are you and what do you want from us?And are you the one who caused this?" I asked again with anger and fear in my voice.

   He looked at me like everything I just said didn't matter, but answered me anyway while laughing, "So what if I am? What are you going to do about it I mean it's your father's fault for not doing as I say. He's the one that betrayed me. Anyway that doesn't matter your father is dead and there is nothing you can do, and like I said just do as I say and you won't have to die, just give me the stones and I'll spare your lives."

"What stones are you talking about we don't have any stones? So I'll ask again what is it you really want?" I asked thinking he was delusional. "Why is this so hard? All I want is the damn stones; Where are they?" He asked again this time more vigorously also sounding like an annoyed and demanding child. I replied knowing that he was being serious, "And I told you that we don't have any stones so there you-" He interrupted me in mid-sentence and yelled "YOUR LYING!" Then he saw that I was telling him the truth and decided to calm down,"ok then, here's what we do, I'll give you ten days to find the stones and if you don't then I'll kill you the same way I killed your father." I was filled with so much anger and rage I ran towards him ready to punch him, but when I got close he appeared behind me and said again "ten days, and don't dissobey or I'll kill you." Then he vanished this time without a trace. So like we wanted to, we headed to the park and Meg stopped and said, "I don't like this I mean we can't help someone who is just going to kill us in the end and not only that but seriously what the hell is going on, I mean I'm scared and we just lost our parents and we have no idea what's going on. What do we do."

Then a tall man with ragged clothes, and rough brown hair, scars, cuts, bruises, and burn marks came out of the brush. Almost as if he was involved in the fire, he was also carrying a green bag. He looked at us smiled softly and said "perhaps I can help." So we looked at him and back at each other and nodded and decided to trust him. I asked him, "Ok, so tell us, assuming you were part of that fire, what happened?"

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