Chapter v: I hate the Jungle

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       (OK I call next, let me tell everyone about my experience.)

Starting from the morning when henry yelled, "I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST OF LUCK." I ended up in the middle of nowhere, in the jungle not realizing until after I arrived, that I teleported, "That was cool." I thought to myself, then said with a little excitement "OK let me begin."

      So I started walking, and continued walking, and still walking, and kept walking, then got annoyed, looked at the stump next to me, stopped walking and realized I was walking in circles and said to myself "OK so how do I find this temple I mean seriously. I'm in the middle of no where with nothing but a map and a bad sense of direction."

     So I sat on the stump next to me and kept thinking of ways I can find it. After staring at the map for awhile a thought occurred "wait..." I said to myself, "what did he mean by the map will glow? how will it glow?" Then I thought to my self "maybe if I use earth materials it'll glow."

   (Now I know you think I'm stupid for having that idea but, guess what you're absolutely right.) I threw rocks, dirt, even grass at the map yet, that didn't work. Then I saw a path in front of the stump I was sitting on and walked in that direction. After walking for a while the map finally started glowing the sign CHAROI  showed. Then the ground started to shake and in front of me a building rose out of the ground, (It's kinda like looking at a plant or something grow in fast forward.) Then the CHAROI symbol appeared on the building which is I'm guessing the temple.

        I went inside, grabbed a torch, and once again started walking "man I'm exhausted." I said aloud to myself.

       While I was walking I looked at the wall and saw the tan sandstone covered in vines and a different pattern than what Meg described. The pattern I saw was a circle in the middle with lines coming out of it connecting to hexagon vertices.

      Then I got close to the pedestal the stone was on and when I did I grabbed the stone. After I grabbed it a green light shot up towards the ceiling took a curve and shot back down towards me."I'm dead," so I thought but once it hit me I felt fine; not just fine but, great I felt myself rise up off the ground and felt stronger it was like I could feel all form of life.
  Afterwards, I went outside to see how my new found power works but nothing happened I tried picking up a tree, a boulder, even the temple itself and like I said nothing happened "what is this some sorta prank." I thought.

      I started to get annoyed and before I did anything else a giant beast came out from behind the tree. Unintentionally I screamed and ran.(No I didn't sound like a girl.) As I was running away from the ugly thing it kept getting closer, so I stopped and said, "whoever you are I am not afraid to hurt you; I'm not kidding I will use my powers." So I don't know how it happened but, when I held out my hands a few small small rocks plummeted towards thing like bullets.

I grinned with excitement and said "must take a few minutes to actually kick in; let's go." I threw rocks, marbles, formed a few wall's that rushed towards it, I jumped did a side roll and punched the ground which made him stumble and fall, then finally I ran towards him before he could recover and performed an upper cut. Then he spoke (I didn't even know that was possible) and said "wait damnit I'm not your enemy."

I got confused on why he told me to wait. "Give me 3 good reasons why I should wait to knock you into next week? Especially since you're chasing me like a mad dog and tried to kill me." I asked with aggression. "I'm not trying to kill you; I'm trying to help you the same way I helped your sister although she lost control and passed out afterwards. I'm here because Henry asked me to be." He laughed in a tone of relief. "You said my sister?" I asked "yes," he answered "I saw her at the beach and helped her get her powers." Then he changed into our neighbor (which I didn't see coming) "so that's where she ended up," I said.

"So how do I know you're not a henchman or something?" I asked still holding him down. Then something made a sound behind me and what do you know it was Henry, "He'll explain later for now release him he is in fact on our side." Then he opened a portal showing me on the otherside.

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