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I was sitting at the table waiting for my friend, David to arrive and when he did I asked, "Did you do it?" He answered sounding exhausted, "Yes, he won't be able to find them now." He turned as he said that, and when he did I saw a few new scratches on his back, but I decided not to ask because that would bring back terrifying memories.

Then suddenly a loud boom came from outside of my house, "What was that?" I asked, then I ran outside to see what it was, and what I Saw was a giant whole in the ground "What the hell?" I asked myself, and as I went to turn around I felt a chill down my back that was almost as cold as the night, because I saw a black figure standing in front of me.

Then I realized who it was; It was someone, who I thought was dead, but he's standing right in front of me "Hello Henry," he said sounding as Evil as ever, he was dark like a shadow, his eyes were so white they were practically glowing, his hair looked like someone tried to make him a Dragon Ball Z character, he had claw's like a beast, wore a hoodie, and there was smoke where his feet should be, but when I saw him I understood the scratches on Davids' back .

"What do you want," David asked trying to intimidate him. "You know what I want, the stones where are they?" He demanded "They're gone you won't find them." "What is he talking about?" I asked with worry because I knew exactly what he was talking about, but wanted to deny it, the figure answered anyway by saying "I'm talking about the stones,where are they?" He asked again, but this time with more
greed and rushed at us making us both appear somewhere else using teleportation.

"Why are we here," David asked as soon as we realized where we were. We were in a house that has a fine blue paint on the inside and a few animal heads on the the walls, then he laughed evilly and said, "you didn't think I would make this easy did you? Let me explain; we are here because if you don't tell me where the stones are then all of you including your wife will die then I'll go after your children and make them get the stones for me." He said with his eyes looking so evil they could Pierce your heart it even made David and I flinch. "I told you they're gone you won't find them." He said one last time, sounding so scared his legs were shaking.

The figure spoke evilly and said "very well." Then a fireball formed in his hand and David and I ran. After I got outside I noticed David was gone and before I had a chance to run back in, the house exploded with David and his wife still inside. As it exploded I took cover and hid behind a bush.

When the house was to a normal temperature I went back in seeing if the polencher was still there, which he wasn't, then all I saw was David on the ground so I kneeled down next to him and he spoke softly and said "Henry," he called breathing heavily about to die "take this map, and give it to my children, make sure the polencher doesn't find them or the stones."

So I went crying seeing him and his wife dead, but decided to start looking. When I heard people coming I rushed out of the house and hid behind a bush again "to start my search I'm going to need somewhere to start looking. I'll start at the park they'll probably go there to call the fire department." I thought to myself and went.

The Hidden stones: The Rise of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now