Target Practice

57 12 19

My eyes feel welded shut. I'm awake, my mind is active and effective, but I don't appear to have the energy to lift my eyelids an inch. I often wake feeling this way. It's almost as if I haven't slept a wink at all.

The sound of mumbled voices resonating around the room alerts me to the presence of others nearby. Two people, to be exact. Pricking up my ears, I listen in with interest, attempting to absorb and decipher the broken chatter. The guys speak in hushed tones, likely aware that I could potentially be eavesdropping.

"She...resting. Give...time," the first man speaks.

The other replies in much the same way. ""

"No, " comes the abrupt answer. "She's awake."

As if on cue, my stomach clenches, letting out an almighty grumble in agreement. My eyes finally flutter open, to combat the blinding white luminescence, emanating from a strip light, directly above my head. I squint in discomfort, but I'm able to make out the two men stood at the foot of the bed. Both pairs of dark eyes pin me, and I panic, scrambling to a sitting position with my back against the hard wall.

"Good morning, Bella!" Ezio greets me with a massive grin, rushing to the bedside, clearly excited to see me with my eyes open.

I shy away from his exuberant persona, my eyes wide in response to his closeness.

"Ez, give her some space, will you. You'll scare the crap out of her." Logan scolds Ezio, who rolls his eyes at his comrade, unmoving from my side.

Logan frowns, reaching over to pick up a glass filled with a liquid of a deep brown tone, that had been perched on the steel trolley at his side. He stirs it vigorously with a metal spatula before handing it to Ezio, who pulls a face in distaste. Ezio pushes it into my unwilling hand, and my fingers grasp around the cold glass. I hold it before me, staring at it in disgust.

"What the hell is that?" I question, glancing back up at Logan.

He shoots me an authoritative look. "Drink it. All of it," he insists, leaning to prop himself up on his elbows against the trolley. "It will replenish the fluids and vitamins you've lost in your body ."

Ezio raises an eyebrow, turning his head to face his buddy. "And you were worried about me scaring her," he mutters sarcastically.

Logan grunts at him in annoyance, " You're not helping Ez. Go set the equipment up and I'll bring her down when she's ready."

Ezio's cherry lips move to form the word 'Sorry' before he quickly vacates the room. Logan is soon at my side, crouching down alongside the bed with that same expression on his face. I give him a nervous grin and he raises an eyebrow at me as if to say 'You can't bullshit me.'

"How are you feeling today, Octavia?"

"Great. Much, much better. Tonnes better in fact," I say trying to convince him, whilst showcasing my best puppy dog eyes.

Judging by his unwavering expression, it doesn't appear to be working.

"You're not getting out of it," he states simply, pointing to the glass in my shaking hand, "I highly suggest you start eating soon if you don't want to become quickly acquainted with my build up shakes."

My face drops as I stare down into the thick concoction. Slowly I raise the rim of the glass to my lips, taking a hesitant sip. The drink is strong in taste, not completely unpalatable, but the absolute worst part about it is the thick, almost chewable texture. I pull the glass away from my face, wanting to gag.

"I'd really rather not," I squeak in protest, hoping he'll take it away from me.

Logan springs to his feet in one swift motion, crossing his arms over his chest in a stubborn manner. I observe the definition of muscle in his arms, flex and bulge beneath his skin. All of Clarke's men are unquestionably in great condition. Must be due to the onsite gym, or perhaps they just chase a lot of innocent victims in their spare time.

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