Age: 15
It was our last year here before we were moving just so we could be in a actual high school since I was starting my 2nd year at Forks high school next year. I was out with Kate watching her practice with her powers. She had this cool electric power that stunned you. I sat in the snow when I heard something behind me. As Kate was warming up I decided to go look.

I stood up and walked into the woods. That's when I saw a big black fur on the snow. As I got closer I realized it was a wolf. His foot was in a trap. As I went to touch him his ears pointed up and he let out a low growl. As his eyes looked at me he stood all together. "I'm going to help you. Its okay." I whispered to him. I went over to the trap and looked for the way to remove it. As i peeled it open so his foot could escape it ended up closing on my arm. I went to scream when I remembered my father. I didn't want him to think this wolf did it and kill it. I bit my shirt holding in the scream. I took a deep breath and slowly  opened it with my foot and my good arm. As he snapped open in place I removed my arm. It was very bloody.  The wolf stood up and licked his paw before coming to me. He licked my arm and whined. I rubbed his head right between his ears. He howled before looking at me. "You should go before my father comes." I smile petting him. "He would kill you if he thought you did this" I kissed his head and walked away. For some reason I felt like I had to turn and look at him. As I did I felt my heart skip a beat.

 As I did I felt my heart skip a beat

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I smiled at him and went to Kate. She looked at me panicked. "I was looking for you! What happened to your arm?!" She started freaking out. "I was caught in a animal trap." She bites back her lips. I can tell she's trying not to attack me. "I'll head home. Go hunt. I can tell its bothering you to smell blood." She nods and takes off. As I got home I saw the trail of blood. "Elizabeth." My father was in front of me. He looked at my family. "Out!" He yelled. Everyone but Grandpa left. Grandpa looked at my arm. "Animal trap?" He asked me. As he touched I nodded biting my lip. "To my office quickly." He looked at my father. My dad picked my up carefully and took me to the office. "This might sting." Grandpa said opening a bottle of alcohol. My eyes got big. "No! Hell no!" My father held my hand tight. "It will only hurt for a second my love." I closed my eyes and looked away. As it hit my skin I let out a loud cry. Grandpa pressed a towel to it. He held it and then pulled it back.

As I looked at it I saw how it looked

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As I looked at it I saw how it looked. My arm was horrible. It was starting to bruise already. "Carlisle!?" My father growled. He looked at it and grabbed some bandages. "Its not so bad. It will heal soon. I need to wrap it and watch over it. It only looks bad because it just happened and it was a fast smash onto her skin." As he wrapped it I winced at the pain. Dad kissed my head long this time holding me close to him. As he finished the bandage I was sent to my room to recover. My father came into my room. "Uh, were are you clothes?" He frowned. "In the trash. I took care of it dad" he walked and sat on my bed. "I feel like its my fault...If only I was there to protect you..." I hugged him. "Dad you cant protect me from everything-" "I'm your father! I'm suppose to!? Its my job!" He yelled. I flinched as he yelled. "I'm sorry. I you so much." I sigh. "I know dad...I know." He kissed me goodnight and left my room. That night I had a dream...It was the most perfect one.
"You look beautiful Elizabeth...." I blushed at the guy before me. He was tall and tan. I couldn't make out a face though. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. I laid there watching the ocean below us. "Let's jump." He smiled. "What?!" I looked down the cliff. "Come on princess. He picked me up bridal style and ran jumping off the cliff. As I hit the water-

I woke up... What a crazy dream I smile and snuggle with my pillow.

Age:17 (Picture above)
I woke up to my alarm. Time for school. It was the middle of the year and I had to get ready or I would have to walk to school. Dad made me last time to prove a point and it rained the whole walk. Dad felt so bad after. But that's all it does here in Forks. Rain and rain! We moved here last year. Dad said they lived here 50 years ago and its different. Aunt Alice came in my room. "Hurry up. I want to get there early!" I frowned. "Why?" I groaned."Because I want to get there before the new kid! Now up!" She pulled the blanket off me exposing me to the cold air. I growl "What's so special about a new kid? Its not like we talk to them?!" I frown. "She just is...Now get ready" I sigh and head to my bathroom.All this for some stupid girl? It was a good thing I wouldn't have to deal with her ever.

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