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They looked around the nearby surroundings, thoroughly checking bushes and trees for any sign of the three missing mon, coming up empty handed. By now, the sun had long since set and the mood was low once more.

Lunar groaned and suggested they get some sleep and resume in the morning, Jinx nodded and agreed with him, both of them going their separate ways and back to the comforts of their beds for the night. Lunar took a shower and slid into his sheets, his mind whirring about Crystal.

5 hours after the Dark type had fallen asleep, his royal blue eyes shot open again. He huffed and threw his arms out to his sides, letting out a loud groan as he stretched, feeling his right leg twitch as he did so. His arms fell to his sides once more and he sat up, turning from side to side to stretch his back, hearing a satisfying array of clicks as he released the tension within him.

He slid out of his bed, looking at the clock on his nightstand and taking note that it was 6:03AM. He sighed and thought for a moment, gathering his thoughts and deciding what his next plan of action was, then a low rumble echoed through the room.

"Food." He decided.

He quickly padded out of his room and went downstairs to prepare a large feast of 3 oran berries followed suit by a few gulps of icy water. He padded back upstairs and disappeared into the bathroom, washing out his fur and lathering his body with soap.

Shortly after that, Lunar shook his fur dry and then swiftly left his house, deciding that, if she wasn't awake and waiting for him already, he would let Jinx rest and not disturb her.

He quickly dashed down the path, remembering the route to the river they were building a house by, and soon reached his destination. He stood there for a few minutes, thinking of possible plans of action. He looked to the ground, seeing that the upturned ground had since become mud, covering any prints that another Pokémon may have made. Lunar grumbled to himself and placed his nose close to the ground, unable to pick up a scent either, due to the overpowering earthy aroma filling the air.

The Umbreon huffed in defeat and sat down on his flank, racking his brain to think of something. 

"Okay... if I was Crystal... what would I do..." He said to himself, trying to picture himself in what he imagined a situation Crystal would have been in.

A loud crackle of thunder roared above, making the small Eevee jump. The Glaceon acted quickly and held her tightly, trying her best to comfort the cowering 'vee. Her ears fell flat against her head as she pressed it into the Glaceon's chest, drowning out the sound of the storm and replacing it with the steady but hastened pace of the fresh snow Pokémon's heartbeat.  

A blinding flash could be heard before a deafening bang ensued, followed by nothing. Crystal opened her eyes and saw that one of the support poles for the house had been struck by lightning, a large scorch mark had embedded itself in the wet wood. 

A painful ringing began to fill her ears and Crystal let go of the Eevee, covering her own ears as the ringing began to slowly subside, being replaced by the heavy rainfall.

Another blinding flash could be seen followed by yet another roar of thunder as another bolt of lightning struck the ground, a few hundred metres away. Crystal looked at the charred wood she sat next to before grabbing the Eevee and deciding this place was no longer safe and they were better off elsewhere. Crystal allowed the Eevee to hang below her, the 'vee's small paws holding onto the Glaceon's sides as if for dear life. 

Crystal quickly found Hypro unsurprisingly enjoying herself in the rain and prancing around, pawing at raindrops like a cat would to a laser. Crystal groaned and quickly got her fishy friend's attention before they dashed off into the bushes, deciding to build a makeshift shelter in the thick cluster of trees.

Lunar CrystalsWhere stories live. Discover now