The Battle

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Crystal's POV

I woke up to the feeling of warmth behind me, I swiveled my head around and looked straight into some black and yellow ears, it took me a second to realise who those ears belonged to. My face became a harsh shade of red and I jumped back, causing the Umbreon to let go of me, his head was resting on my shoulder so when I moved his head fell onto the tiles. He woke, startled and jumped up "Ow," he said, rubbing his head, I looked at him as he touched his head, he looked up at me and stared into my eyes, I began to blush again, but this time, I didn't look away, my mind told me to look away, but I didn't want to move, he looked into my eyes and I looked into his ocean blue ones, they were like endless tunnels of azure that entranced me...
He broke the moment, "What happened?" he asked, looking away. 
"You had your head on my shoulder, I.. uh, kinda moved away too quickly and you hit your head on the roof.." I said quietly. 
"Oh, my bad.." He said turning away so I couldn't see his face, "Shall we go back in?" he asked
"Yeah, let's go," I turned to jump down and Lunar followed. We walked back into the house to see Hypro making breakfast, "Hi guys! I'm making pancakes!" she said, beaming a massive grin,
"Yay! Pancakes!" I shouted, Jinx walked down the stairs a few minutes later, 
"Morning," she said drowsily, she walked over and looked at what Hypro was doing, "PANCAKES?!" She asked loudly, her eyes lit up as she saw the pile of pancakes on a plate. A few minutes later Hypro brought four plates to a table and set them down in front of us, Jinx started eating straight away, Hypro followed suit shortly after, I looked towards Lunar, his head was down and I couldn't see his face, I decided to let him be and started to eat my food, Lunar joined in after some time but didn't eat it all. After breakfast, Hypro collected and cleaned the plates.


"Hey Lunar?"
"Yeah Jinx?" Lunar replied quietly
"Can we battle? A friendly one of course, I like battling people, you see." Jinx asked
"Yeah, sure. When?" 
"Now, follow me!" Jinx said happily, she bolted out of the door, Lunar followed, but not as fast. Jinx lead them to a clearing near her house, she got into a battle stance and said; "Ready when you are." She called to Lunar
"Don't underestimate me." Lunar said creepily, he looked up for the second time that morning and ran at Jinx, she dodged and shot a moon blast at Lunar, he noticed and dodged the attack, he predicted her next move and shot a dark pulse in the direction, sure enough, she jumped straight at it, her eyes went wide then the attack collided with her in the chest. Fainted.

"JINX!" Crystal shouted, she ran over to the fainted Sylveon and reached for her neck, she was relieved when she felt a pulse, she looked over to the Umbreon, who was looking at his paws. "Lunar! What the hell?!" Crystal screamed, Hypro came over and took Jinx in her arms, she brought out an object that looked like two, four-sided pyramids stuck to each other. Hypro gave the Fairy type the revive and she began to stir. Crystal looked angry and disappointed at Lunar, he looked up at the Fresh Snow Pokemon and caught her glare, Lunar looked hurt and ran off, into the trees.

Jinx sat up and rubbed her chest, "What happened?" she asked, 
"You lost," Hypro replied, she stood up and inspected the Sylveon's chest, it was fine but there were a few marks here and there. Jinx turned to Crystal, "Where'd Lunar go?"


heh, guess who's back beaches. Leafe. 

Im sorry for the short chapter and lack of chapters, I have suffered my first encounter of writers block :/ but I have a general idea of whats happening next X3. I hope you enjoyed this chapapter and the next one should be out soon, I'm starting it now. I thought here would be a good spot to leave it at for now, rate and comment plz :)

Date Published: 02/02/2020 (read it backwards it says 02/02/2020 OWO)

Words: 727

Time Taken to write: 3 bloody days.

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