Curiosity Killed The Cat.

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The Glaceon began to stir, she slowly became conscious, she looked up and began to blush, Lunar's head lay above hers, she felt warm inside, and embraced him as she fell unconscious again.

An hour later, Lunar woke up, he looked down at the blue figure sleeping below him, her chest rising and falling elegantly. He shifted a bit and the Glaceon looked at him, her eyes half open, Lunar found her beautiful, she got out of his grasp and stepped down from the bed, Lunar stayed still, never averting his eyes. She noticed this and started walking out of the room, she stopped and wiggled her hips at him, looked back and winked at the Umbreon. His cheeks flared red. Did she just... come on me?

"See you downstairs?" she asked, the Umbreon nodded and watched the Glaceon leave.
Crystal walked into the kitchen and pondered what to make for breakfast, an idea came to her mind as she selected some ingredients. She picked out some Cheri berries, Pechas and Orans. She grabbed a bowl and started preparing a salad, she crushed the Pechas to a juice and sliced the Cherris, she added them all to the bowl and placed some mint ice cream on top of it. To finish it off, she added quartered Orans on top.

Lunar walked down the stairs silently, he saw Crystal in the kitchen and an evil grin spread wildly across his face, he kept low and silent as he crept up on the clueless Ice Type. He got closer and closer until he was practically breathing down her neck. He leaned towards her ear and coughed, "AAH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Crystal spun around and came face to face with the Umbreon, she wasn't amused. Lunar, on the other hand, couldn't contain his laughter. He giggled loudly as the Glaceon stared at him, "What was that for?" she asked, Lunar said in between laughs, "You... You should've seen your face!" Crystal's face began to redden, 
"That's not funny! Anyways, I made us something," She moved and pointed to the bowl of berries and ice cream, "Mint?! How'd you know that's my favourite?" He asked, the Glaceon's eyes lit up, "I didn't! It's my favourite too!" She grabbed two spoons and handed Lunar one, "Wanna share?" She asked, kind of shyly. Lunar nodded with a smile.

They sat down at the table and began to eat, "Wow Crystal! This is really good!" He complimented,
"I knew you'd like it, I put more Cheris in it than any other berry." She replied
"What should we do today?" Lunar asked
"Well, the others still think you're dead... So... how about we venture around the forest alone for a while?" She suggested
"Sounds good to me," Lunar said as he put another mouthful of ice cream and berries in his mouth.

2 hours later, they were on the far regions of Sugarcoat Forest, exploring caves and climbing trees, Crystal giggled as Lunar tripped over tree roots constantly. She felt nothing could go wrong at this moment, however, reality is a bitch. Lunar stopped, his ears stood upright and his fur stood on end, his eyes darted around for something. Crystal noticed and stopped, "What's wrong?" She asked,
"I don't kn-" A Mightyena burst out of the bush next to him, knocking the wind out of him.
"What's wrong? Your boyfriend here is about to die." He said, Lunar sat up and asked,
"Who are you?" The Mightyena turned his way,
"Me? I'm the leader of 8 Mightyena, as in saying... Prepare to die." After he said that 8 more Mightyenas made their presence known, they circled the pair of eons. Lunar walked over to Crystal, "On my mark, you run south as fast as you can. Get as far away as possible." 
One of the Mightyenas spoke up, "I say we keep the Glaceon, kill the Umbreon" He snarled at the Moonlight Pokemon, "Exactly what I was thinking..." The Leader of the pack said, menacingly, he bit down on the Umbreon's tail, he screamed out in pain. Crystal shouted "NO!" One of the dogs kicked her, "Shut up, or you'll end up like him." He threatened, Crystal latched onto Lunar's paw and began to tear up, "I'm not leaving you." She said,
"You don't have a choice, remember what I said." 
"Aw, how cute, he's saying his last goodbyes. Oh well," The Leader yanked on Lunar's tail separating their grasp, Lunar looked into her eyes and nodded. Crystal braced herself, trying to hold back the tears. Lunar spoke up, "Sorry, I'd love to die right now, but unfortunately for you, I have other plans." The Mightyena huffed,
"Like what." 
"Like this!" Lunar shot a dark pulse at the Mightyenas paw, he howled and let go of Lunar's tail, He used quick attack on the Dark Wolf opposite him, knocking him out cold. He looked at Crystal, she took notice and hesitantly ran away, she stopped and looked back, just in time to see six dogs attack Lunar simultaneously, a tear formed in her eye, she watched Lunar slowly dying until the 'Leader' called off the other wolves. Lunar was left on the floor, bleeding badly as he received a large, and deep gash down his left forearm, he was whimpering and flinching. The Leader walked over and laughed enthusiastically, "Pathetic." He walked above Lunar and held a claw to his throat, "You really thought you could outwit me?" Lunar laughed,
"No, I didn't think I could outwit you. I know I can outwit you." 
"Oh really? Well, in case you haven't noticed, you're about to die." He snarled at the Umbreon.
"That's what you think." Lunar headbutted him and sent the Mightyena staggering backwards, he shot a moonblast at his legs, knocking him to the ground. Another wolf charged at him, using quick attack. Lunar looked up, "Look at the threat dumbass!" The Mightyena snarled
"Look at the flaw in your plan." He casually replied, the wolf was about to hit him head on but Lunar brought his head back down with full force, sending the Mightyena face first into the mud, fainting him. More of them kept coming and ending up like the first challenger. Lunar fought them off one by one, instantly fainting them with attacks. Once there was a pile of unconscious Mightyena, he took a deep breath. "Well done! You almost won!" Lunar froze, he turned around slowly. The wolf stood before him, grinning, it sent a shiver down Lunar's spine. The Leader used quick attack, Lunar had no time to react and was hit with full force from the opponent, rendering Lunar unconscious.

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